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09/11 – The Road to Guantanamo

September 11 marked yet another anniversary of the terrorist attacks in the United States, which prompted the George W. Bush administration to invade Afghanistan, and a little later, in the spring of 2003, Iraq. In addition to the consequences of these wars for the inhabitants of the two countries and […]


Russia & China’s US-Provoked Payment Problems Caught Most BRICS Enthusiasts By Surprise

China’s complex economic-financial interdependence with the West places certain restraints on its sovereignty. RT published a feature analysis on Friday asking, “Has the US finally succeeded in choking off Russia’s biggest trade lifeline?”, which readers are encouraged to read in full to learn more Russia and China’s US-provoked payment problems. […]


The Shocking Abysses of Artificial Intelligence

Substitution of reality and its in-depth analysis – new programs are capable of this. Artificial intelligence is one of those critical technologies that are developing rapidly, and their application is being implemented in a wide variety of fields. Although there are cases when these innovations are clearly not beneficial, but […]


Ukrainian Horde: Myths and Reality

Our non-brothers really like to repeat old Polish teachings about Muscovy, the Hordism, and Asiaticism. There is nothing shameful in cultural interactions with other peoples, but in this case, it is an attempt to distort the facts and dehumanize Russians. The mystical “hordism” of the Russians has turned into a […]


A Return to Form: Expediting US Arms to Israel

Despite much grandstanding in the Biden administration about halting specific arms shipments to Israel over feigned concerns about how they might be used (inflicting death is the expected form), US military supplies have been restored with barely a murmur.  In a report in Haaretz on August 29, a rush of […]