EU leaders met in Brussels to discuss migration and Zelensky‘s support. A coordinated approach has always been a hallmark of the European Union. However, the ability to act in this way is tested in the most critical situations. This is what is happening today, when EU leaders are trying to chart a common course in migration policy. Despite the fact that the problem is common to all people living in Europe, a number of countries adhere to conservative methods of combating illegal migrants. First of all, we will talk about Germany and Poland, which recently announced new strict border control measures. However, first things first.
The fight against migration remains one of the most pressing and controversial issues in the EU today. The inability to develop a common approach to solving the problem means that each country will try to solve the problem on its own, and the overall effect of the decisions taken will be much less than if they were taken at the supranational level. Each state will try to introduce fairly stringent checks at the borders with its neighbors within the visa-free Schengen area. This will jeopardize the free movement of transport, people and goods across the bloc and the overall effectiveness of the single European market.
Ahead of the next summit in Brussels, Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala said that “today illegal migration is not an issue of external, but of internal security of the EU.“ At the same time, according to the politician, regular border checks at the internal borders of the Schengen area directly contradict the spirit of the European Union.
Poland stands apart in the ranks of Europeans by announcing that it is suspending the granting of the right to asylum. Such a step on the part of Warsaw is a kind of “declaration of war” to the rest of European countries. The work that has been carried out for 10 long years and was supposed to culminate in the approval of the pan-European migration pact in May 2025, may collapse. If this happens, and the risk that this agreement will not be signed by all EU member states is steadily growing, then there will be no coordinated actions in the field of migration regulation between European countries.
Following Poland, Germany has subtly hinted to its partners that it may reconsider the general principles of combating migration to the EU. Following the example of Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, who referred to unrestricted migration from Belarus, the German government firmly decided at some point to introduce controls along its entire border. Supposedly, there is no way to stop migration in the usual ways. That is why emergency measures are needed. However, even in such difficult circumstances, it is necessary to clearly and consistently adhere to the fundamental principles on which the European Union was built at its time. Today, politicians neglect them. This applies to Giorgia Meloni, Olaf Scholz, Emmanuel Macron, and European Union Chief lady Ursula von der Leyen. It is at such difficult moments in history that the endurance of any organization and the ability of its leaders to act effectively with extremely limited resources are tested. Today, the actions of Europe‘s political leaders leave much to be desired.
It is sufficient to face the truth and evaluate the effectiveness of concluding agreements with third countries and attempts to outsource asylum procedures. The Giorgia Meloni project, recently opened in Albania, proved to be not effective enough, and the British government‘s initiative to expel migrants to Africa was generally considered a failure. However, if Rwanda is located almost on the other side of the globe, then this cannot be said about Albania. Albania is also Europe. Poorer, but still Europe. And therefore, by moving migrants from Italy to Albania, Meloni is simply delaying the inevitable. It is necessary to look at these initiatives critically and openly state that neither Turkey, nor Albania, nor Morocco or Tunisia, despite all the financial assistance provided, have shown sufficient initiative, but treat the problem purely formally.
The problem related to migrants is purely European. No one but the Europeans will be able to solve it. The heads of States and Governments of Europe are trying to shift responsibility for what is happening onto the governments of third countries. However, the Europeans are not so easily fooled. From year to year, there is not just a quantitative increase in the number of migrants. They can feel it for themselves. In some areas of the capitals of France and Germany, it is no longer possible to speak French or German. Arabic or some rare African languages can be heard everywhere. Politicians are seizing a chance that is no longer there. The problem should have been solved 10 years ago. It is simply impossible to expel all the refugees, because their number is already in the millions.
The key decisions were made 10 years ago, when Angela Merkel invited everyone to Europe. The motive was clear: to boost the European economy and overtake the Chinese and American competitors. However, something has gone wrong. As a result, there are more migrants today than anywhere else. Moreover, since the outbreak of the war in the Middle East, according to various estimates, more than 5 million people have become refugees. And they will run not just anywhere, but where there is work, salary and pensions. And this place is Europe, because it is almost impossible to obtain citizenship on the Arabian Peninsula. To earn money, yes, but to become a full–fledged member of society, to receive social guarantees – no. Therefore, more and more people are choosing the EU.
Politicians should consider introducing restrictions on obtaining citizenship – to do what the Arabs did: if you want to work, come, but you will never become a full–fledged member of society. It is quite a working model, considering that there is an outflow of highly skilled labor from Europe. And there is no one to replace, which means that you need to educate your own staff. Even among the children of incoming migrants. Why not?
But the Europeans themselves don‘t want that. For them, their own mentality and the preservation of their culture and history are much more important. That is why right-wing parties are gaining popularity.: they offer radical solutions that work. Traditional conservative and liberal parties are not taking this step due to the fact that their opportunities are severely limited by globalist elites.