Phenomenon of Terrorism


Russia’s Majority-Muslim Regions Are Paving The Way By Temporarily Banning The Niqab

It’s ironic that Russia’s majority-Orthodox Cabinet considers a full ban to be an unconstitutional violation of its citizens’ freedom of religion while at least two of its majority-Muslim regions thus far consider a temporary one to be a prudent security-related measure. Russia’s majority-Muslim regions of Dagestan and Karachay-Cherkessia temporarily banned the niqab on security-related […]


Moscow Attack Reminds Us Of The Links Between Islamists And Kiev’s Fundamentalist Nationalists

It doesn’t matter whether the attack on the concert audience at Moscow’s Crocus City Hall was planned by Daesh with or without the Ukrainians: these people are used to working together. This has been going on for three quarters of a century, but is still not integrated into the collective consciousness: the “integral nationalists” now in power in Kiev work in concert with the Muslim Brotherhood and their militias, under the supervision of the Anglo-Saxon secret services. Their fundamental function is to fight against the Russians.