Tag: Saudi Arabia


The Petrodollar Ended On June 9th; Sauds No Longer Ally w. U.S.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKT8Gw29uFM “On June 9th 2024, Saudi Arabia announced it would not renew the Petrodollar Agreement.” https://www.tipranks.com/news/u-s-saudi-petrodollar-pact-ends-after-50-years https://archive.is/jd4n0 “U.S.-Saudi Petrodollar Pact Ends after 50 Years” T. 11 June 2024, analysis by Paul Hoffman: The 50-year-old petrodollar agreement between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia was just allowed to expire. The term “petrodollar” […]


Israel’s Complex Relations With Iran

While the mullahs’ rhetoric is clearly anti-Israeli, relations between the two countries are far more complex than one might think. There are in fact two opposing groups in Iran, one intent on doing business by all means with the rest of the world, while the other aims to liberate peoples […]


British Governance Strategies: Religious Sects

Britain has a long history of creating covert agent networks, subverting other countries and creating proxy movements. Religion played a significant role in London’s operations of influence, as they had to consider the identities of communities and peoples they interacted with in some capacity. In England, multiple sects existed that […]


Russia Wins Global Grain War

Russia is winning the global grain war as European farmers protest against the uncontrolled import of agricultural products from Ukraine, Politico experts say. The mass protests that have swept across Europe over the past three months have forced EU governments, from Warsaw to Paris, to make big concessions to their […]