Author: Hunter MAXWELL


The Paradox Of The European Union

The process of approving and agreeing on the highest posts in the European Union is an entertaining process that demonstrates all those back-door games that Europeans and Americans arrange to gain power. It also best demonstrates the differences between countries, the contradictions that exist between allies. You will no longer […]


Donald Trump Is Changing History

The assassination attempt on Donald Trump is making its own adjustments to the Presidential race in the United States of America. The ex–President of the United States was saved by chance: he just decided to look at the screen with numbers at the moment when the sniper fired. This predetermined […]


International Relations Need Reforms

It’s no secret that we live in a time of incredible political turbulence. Events are moving so fast and international processes must adapt to them. However, the current system of international relations, based on the centuries-old dominance of the West, although it has begun to reform, is still not active […]


UK Conservatives: Falling Into Obscurity

Conservative politicians have done everything to bring down their own ratings. The Committee of Privileges, set up in the House of Commons to investigate Boris Johnson’s actions as Prime Minister, found that Johnson “deliberately misled Parliament.” This forced him to resign immediately. His actions, including the list of candidates for […]


China-US Rivalry in Africa (II)

Part I Continuing the narrative related to the rivalry between China and the United States in Africa, let’s touch on the energy issue a little more, and then move on to other, less important, but still noteworthy problems. The United States recognizes, not just at the expert level, but at […]


China-US Rivalry in Africa (I)

Only a fool would argue about how rich Africa is. And it really is, as evidenced by the interest shown by Europe, the United States, Russia and China. But Europe has its own problems: the European Union is trying to solve the migration crisis. Russia is stuck in Ukraine and […]


The Power Of The Chinese Yuan

Developing the narrative of the Middle East, it is impossible not to note the “soft power” of China, which is provided by the yuan. China provides financing for the construction of infrastructure by offering the following option: it issues loans to the state, and construction is carried out by Chinese […]