

The Paradox Of The European Union

The process of approving and agreeing on the highest posts in the European Union is an entertaining process that demonstrates all those back-door games that Europeans and Americans arrange to gain power. It also best demonstrates the differences between countries, the contradictions that exist between allies. You will no longer […]

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Elections Without Choice: How De-Ideologization Of The Political Space Leads To Increased Dependence Of Europe On The U.S.

2024 has become a year of political upheaval in Europe, revealing the depth of the cleavage among European political elites and growing vassalage to the United States of America. Nowadays, the number of experts – including those within such prestigious and respectable think tanks as IISS, Brookings Institution, Carnegie Foundation, […]


France Facing The Change Of Era

As France prepares for early parliamentary elections, its political parties are ganging up on each other, accusing each other of pandering to different forms of extremism. The anxiety they are showing and the violence they are stirring up are not equal to the stakes. Everyone points to the past mistakes […]


How To Justify NATO’s Aggression Against Russia

Joseph Stalin had old official photographs corrected to remove any trace of his opposition. Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron and their allies, too, are rewriting history. They have just staged, under the name of the “Normandy landings”, events that happened otherwise. They hide the serious conflict that arose, from June to […]


USA: Common Sense? No, Never Heard of It

The more details emerge about Burisma company and using it to finance activities of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, the more unpleasant revelations emerge for the USA. Unexpected and unpleasant revelations. In April, Russian investigative authorities officially stated Moscow’s position on the issue […]