Cold War 2.0


USA: Common Sense? No, Never Heard of It

The more details emerge about Burisma company and using it to finance activities of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, the more unpleasant revelations emerge for the USA. Unexpected and unpleasant revelations. In April, Russian investigative authorities officially stated Moscow’s position on the issue […]


We Live In The World That Truman Made

The Cold War was started by Truman — not by FDR, and not by Stalin. The start of the U.S. Government’s effort to take control over the entire planet occurred on 25 July 1945 by U.S. President Harry Truman, just a few months after President Franklin Delano Roosevelt had died […]


Is The Possibility Of A World War Real?

Atomic war is possible. World peace hangs on the finger of the United States, blackmailed by Ukrainian “integral nationalists” and Israeli “revisionist Zionists”. If Washington doesn’t deliver weapons to massacre the Russians and Gazans, they won’t hesitate to launch Armageddon. The wars in Ukraine and Gaza have led several leading […]


The Stupidity And Vileness Of The U.S. Empire’s Leaders

This is about neoconservatives (advocates for expanding the U.S. empire) and the empire’s billionaires who hire them to increase the market-values of their primary corporate stocks: armaments-producers such as Lockheed Martin, extraction firms such as ExxonMobil, and high-tech firms such as Google. It is about the individuals who control the […]

Four Scenarios by RAND

There are various potential outcomes to the conflict in Ukraine, and it’s possible that the opinions of US experts may not align with the eventual resolution. The RAND Corporation released an intriguing analytical report  “Planning for the Aftermath: Exploring U.S. Strategy Options Towards Russia Post-Ukraine Conflict,”  crafted by the Center […]