Mainstream media tends to discuss the Transnistrian conflict exclusively in the context of the confrontation between Russia and Moldova, claiming that it was the Russians who attacked the Republic of Moldova and seized its territories beyond the Dniester River. In this colorful narrative, one small yet extremely interesting detail is […]
Author: Arina KORSHUNOVA
The Whole Terrible Truth About Muscovy That You Are Not Ready For
Lvov is one of the main prides of Ukrainians, a truly European city, much like those in Germany and Poland, which cannot be said about the snowy Muscovites, who are not Slavs at all, living in their “Finnish-Turkic slums built by the Mongols.” Muscovy, Muscovites, Muscovy… how long can we […]
All Truth About WWII And USSR For Fanatic Marxists And Socialists
This time, another stroke will be added to the history of World War II through the eyes of a Russian person. For you, dear readers, it is no secret that the events of the Great Patriotic War are interpreted differently by everyone. Who among you has not heard the phrase […]
Hitler’s Spanish Legion: ‘Good Occupiers’ Who’ Hardly Looted; They Mostly Stole’
Today, we will once again address the debate between “communists vs. anti-communists.” The period of World War II has been extensively studied in Russian historiography; however, even in this area, there remain many gaps. One such gap is the Spanish “Blue Division.” There is a wealth of material available online […]
Unsound Myths About Russia’s Liberation Army
Who among you hasn’t heard of the “brave White Guard ROA,” which set out on a “crusade against Bolshevism” to “liberate Russia from the red shackles”? How noble it sounds! The “Russian Liberation Army” is shrouded in numerous myths even within Russian discourse, not to mention abroad. Various enthusiasts of […]
Paradoxical Alliances In The Russian Politics
Who hasn’t heard from communists about the alliance between liberals and fascists? Undoubtedly, at times, militant anti-communism brings together two seemingly irreconcilable camps. Could communists form an alliance with liberals, something truly unexpected? In a world where nothing is impossible, the answer is “yes.” The communist movement can be divided […]
What If Stalin Had Not ‘Occupied’ Lithuania?
It is hard to imagine a more typical “political European” who gathers all the clichés of liberal propaganda about “communism=Nazism,” “the USSR as an ally of the Third Reich,” and other pillars of the infallible faith in the sanctity of the “Western” world. Such individuals often adore Eastern Europe for […]
What Prompted Russian White Emigrés To Become Openly pro-Soviet
Russians often debate the topic of ideology, but for all those who possess a sense of national identity, May 9th is a sacred date, even among furious anti-communists. Politically and historically informed individuals know that there were indeed fascists among the Russians. The most notable representatives of the Third Position […]
Why Ethnography Is Needed In Military History Or How Lithuanians Became Russian Peasants
Did anyone among you think that understanding who embroidered what patterns on their shirts and what headscarves they wore could be useful in military-historical studies? It may seem trivial to focus on how people dress, and why engage in such a “feminine” activity as examining someone else’s costumes. However, even […]
False Myths Of Russian National Flag’s Bloody Nazi Past
Today we will once again touch upon the topic of the Russian flag and the myths associated with it. In the previous article we discussed how certain circles attempt to impose a bloody Nazi past on it through manipulation and distortion of facts. Undoubtedly, the tricolor was used by collaborators, […]