Author: Matthew EHRET

Putin Challenges Malthusians: Fusion Energy Is A National Priority for Russia

President Putin has recently made the point that the neo-liberal order which has defined the west over the past several decades is obsolete. With his strong support for fusion power and a return to a global industrial growth policy alongside China’s Belt and Road Initiative, President Putin has clearly identified the neo-Malthusian worldview as interwoven into the fabric of liberalism.

UN Security Council

The Harmony Between Tianxia And Westphalia

The America of Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Franklin Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy represented the TRUE Westphalian principle and it is this America which Kissinger and his London masters have despised for years. It is that same America which today nationalist forces surrounding Donald Trump are threatening to revive.

Chrystia Freeland

Freeland Responds to Putin: Liberalism Will Prevail! (Nazis Will Help)

The elite attempting to control the world under an “end of history” neo-liberal doctrine have created a mountain of unresolvable paradoxes for themselves in Ukraine since unleashing the anti-Russian Euromaidan color revolution in late 2013 that unseated a pro-Russian Viktor Yanukovych government, and replaced it with a Nazi-infested technocratic regime which has […]