Author: Nafeez AHMED

Green economic growth

Green Economic Growth Is An Article Of ‘Faith’ Devoid Of Scientific Evidence

Over and over again, empirical data shows that it is possible to achieve high levels of human welfare without high levels of GDP with significantly less pressure on the planet. How? By sharing income more fairly and investing in universal health care, education, and other public goods. When it comes to delivering long, healthy, flourishing lives for all, this is what counts — this is what progress looks like.

Displaced family tents

Escaping Extinction Through Paradigm Shift

Whatever happens out there in the world, the crisis out there is calling unto each of us to become who we need to be, truly are, and always were. And on the basis of that internal renewal, to take radical action in our own place-based contexts to build the seeds of the new paradigm, right here, right now.