Author: Peter CHAMBERLIN

Smashing Greater Central Asia (IV)

_ Part I Part II Part III Smashing Systematically The pipeline wars are real wars, in that two or more nations are ordering their civilian and military foot soldiers, on a daily basis, into life or death contests to the finish. For the United States, it is a contest which […]

Smashing Greater Central Asia (III)

Part I Part II Representatives from all of the secret agencies of the Stans, except for Turkmenistan, have come together in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan to identify a common threat in Central Asia, emanating from a non-existent terrorist underground (SEE: Secret services say about the presence in Central Asia, domestic extremist underground). […]

Smashing Greater Central Asia

After ten years of raging warfare in Afghanistan, watching the fight slowly ooze across the invisible Durand Line into Pakistan, we have the right to wonder whether the war is any closer to ending today?  It is  perfectly reasonable to suspect that if we were allowed to know the truth […]

The Real War vs The Illusions

In the complicated calculus of the men who would plan our destinies for us, if we would only let them, it is often hard to fathom which line of reasoning represents their dominant thinking on any strategic subject.  In Afghanistan and in Pakistan, it is getting harder to distinguish between the […]

The CIA/ISI Soap Opera In South Waziristan

The American/Pakistani/British shenanigans in S. Waziristan are once again exposing the old patterns–America makes more demands, unidentified militants attack Frontier troops, British press releases misleading disinformation (SEE:  Deadly militant attack on Pakistan security checkpoint), making the reality of the situation nearly impossible to understand.  In addition, the press is now […]

Reagan’s Secret Legacy

Peter Chamberlin (USA) On this, the one-hundredth birthday of Ronald Reagan, the Reagan worshippers are coming out of the woodwork. It seems that the self-appointed leaders of the “Tempest in the Teapot” party (or whatever they call themselves), even Obama himself, are trying to ride Reagan’s fame to new political […]