When we say the word “neutrality,” we immediately think of Switzerland. Indeed, the unique foreign policy position has allowed a small and extremely heterogeneous state in the heart of Europe to develop independently and grow rich over the centuries. The country successfully avoided the First and Second World Wars, and […]
Our Picks
US’ Policy Of Double Standards And Its Weakened Global Credibility
A double standard is regarded by philosophers as a logical fallacy. The theory of double standards posits that individuals apply varying principles or rules to different individuals, groups and situations, leading to unfair or unequal treatment and inconsistent judgments. After all terrible events, that have happened in our world for […]
Central Asia’s Nuclear Future: Prospects For Development
In recent years, the countries of Central Asia, and, above all, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, along with water and environmental problems, have begun to experience an increasing shortage of electricity, which, as global practice shows, may negatively affect the pace of development of national economies in the foreseeable future. The existing […]
Post-Colonial Heritage: France Is Losing Its Power In Africa For The Good Of The US
Traditionally, France has played an extremely important role in African affairs. At the beginning of the 21st century, it was difficult to imagine that at least one issue of North Africa would be solved without France. However, since then, France’s political, economic, and military influence has fallen dramatically. Today, France […]
Lost Neutrality Or Lost Position In The International Affairs? How Swiss Lost Its Key Role In The World
Switzerland, historically, due to its neutral position in international affairs, has enjoyed worldwide respect as a place where all issues are resolved and all wars end. A long list of international treaties and conventions with the name “Geneva” is evidence of this. The country was the first in the world […]
New Syria: The Path To Federation Or ISIS-2?
The current processes in Syria are causing concern to many external players, from neighbors (which is quite natural) and former allies of Bashar al-Assad, such as Russia and Iran, to Western countries that are wary that the processes of state-building will go on without their participation, and the current interim […]
The Hidden Lies Behind America’s Destruction of Europe
As the following will document, the European masses are victims of a professionally run operation to deceive and thus control them, which makes a mockery of democracy. It’s financed by U.S.-and-allied billionaires, who profit immensely by doing this, while destroying their own country. Like all empires throughout history, it entails […]