United Kingdom


How Corrupt Is America?

By overwhelming margins, the American people believe that their Government is corrupt, and the polling shows that the margins who believe this have soared from over 80% in 1976, to over 90% today. The American people overwhelmingly distrust their top ‘elected’ officials. Skepticism of the U.S. Government’s legitimacy is very […]

Flicker Of Hope: Biden’s Throwaway Lines On Assange

Walking stiffly, largely distracted, and struggling to focus on the bare essentials, US President Joe Biden was keeping company with his Japanese counterpart, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, when asked the question.  It concerned what he was doing regarding Australia’s request that the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange be returned to Australia. […]


A Judicial Blindness

Ah, England.  I love it:  the home of Shakespeare, the Crown Jewels, London Bridge, Big Ben…and constant ecclesiastical weirdness.  It seems just yesterday that we were treated to the spectacle of two lesbian priestesses exulting over the Church of England’s decision to bless the union of gay and lesbian couples.  Now, hard […]


Aukusing For War: The Real Target Is China

The occasional burst of candour from US diplomats provides a striking, air clearing difference to their Australian and British counterparts.  Official statements about the AUKUS security pact between Washington, London and Canberra, rarely mention the target in so many words, except on the gossiping fringes.  Commentators and think tankers are […]


Is The Possibility Of A World War Real?

Atomic war is possible. World peace hangs on the finger of the United States, blackmailed by Ukrainian “integral nationalists” and Israeli “revisionist Zionists”. If Washington doesn’t deliver weapons to massacre the Russians and Gazans, they won’t hesitate to launch Armageddon. The wars in Ukraine and Gaza have led several leading […]