South Asia


NATO Summit In Washington: Focusing On Asia

Some of the summit‘s decisions point to the growing interconnections between the alliance and a number of Asian states. Although NATO is formally limited to the Euro-Atlantic region, the tentacles of this aggressive alliance extend to the Middle East, Africa and the Pacific region. The anniversary NATO summit in the […]


The Results of Narendra Modi’s Trip To Russia

The 22nd annual Russia–India Summit took place in Moscow. Arriving in Moscow on July 8, Prime Minister Narendra Modi called Russia India‘s “all-weather friend” and praised President Vladimir Putin‘s leading role in strengthening bilateral relations over the past two decades. The Prime minister also said that for a long time […]


Reuters Reveals Secret U.S. Government Anti-China Operation To Increase Covid-19 Deaths In East Asia & Pacific

On June 14th, Reuters headlined “Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic: The U.S. military launched a clandestine program amid the COVID crisis to discredit China’s Sinovac inoculation – payback for Beijing’s efforts to blame Washington for the pandemic. One target: the Filipino public. Health experts say […]


India: Entering A New Five-Year Plan

Modi‘s positions have weakened, but he can still lead India on the right path of history. In early June in India ended parliamentary elections, which lasted about two months. The votes were counted relatively quickly and it turned out that the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) lost a significant part […]


Pseudo-Ecologists Of The Western World

It is well known that in the West, many decades ago, they succeeded in advertising, especially in political advertising. If necessary, the PR people there can turn any case so that it looks completely different from what it is. The topic of environmental protection is no exception, which has been […]


Russia Is Open To Compromise But Won’t Agree To A Ceasefire That Doesn’t Meet Its Interests

Given their convergence of interests in compromising on this conflict, the only variables that could offset this scenario concern the calculations of the US’ ruling liberal-globalist elite, who are ideologically driven hawks that formulate policy in ways that others rightly consider irrational. Reuters cited four unnamed sources to report that […]