Tag: Taliban


Southern Rimland of Eurasia

Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan represent important and interconnected links of chain in the region If to use the method of combining political geography and geopolitics, it is easy to reveal that the group of countries located north of the Arabian Sea has a number of common features. Part of modern […]


The US vs The ICC: Hypocrisy At Its Finest

A few days ago, the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, citing their responsibility for crimes against humanity committed in the Gaza strip. These allegations included staving civilians as a method of warfare, intentionally directing attacks against the civilian […]

Kandahar motivational poster

Doing Business With Taliban Govt

The best part of the UN Security Council discussion Thursday regarding the situation in Afghanistan was the candid remarks by the Russian and Chinese ambassadors on the accountability of the Taliban government in Kabul for the crisis gripping that country today, just an year after the vacation of the NATO […]


Kill Al-Zawahiri

It is unsettling to see a democratic government like the United States beating its chest over the high-tech murder of a retired jihadist, Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri. The 71-year-old al-Zawahiri succeeded the assassinated Osama bin Laden as chief of the anti-US underground group, al-Qaeda. The mild-mannered, Egyptian had been a local […]


Afghanistan Braces For New War

There is media buzz lately about an anti-Taliban insurgency struggling to be born in Afghanistan. A former Afghan army general, Sami Sadat, is returning home as the West’s favourite to don the mantle of leadership of a pan-Afghan “resistance” movement against repressive Taliban rule. There is a lot of infighting […]