Tag: Vladimir Putin


Mess In Munich

The Munich Security Conference went through all the stages. At the time of its formation in the 20th century, it was a symbol of the consolidation of the intellectual elite of Europe and the United States. This platform for the exchange of opinions remained such until the beginning of the […]


Russia Has Now Won The War In Ukraine

On February 12th, Stephen Bryen, who has retired from a career at the tops of one of America’s ten largest armaments-makers and near the top of the U.S. Defense Department (he’s been through the revolving door and now has retired from it), headlined “Europe Gasping for Air as Trump Makes […]


Russia’s GDP Rose 4.1% In 2024, And Also 4.1% In 2023. America’s Grew 2.45%

On February 6th, the neoconservative and deeply influential Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center headlined “Is Russia’s Economy Collapsing?” and summarized the opinions of ‘experts’, some of whom were saying yes, and some of whom were saying maybe, and the article closed by quoting two ‘experts’ who “disputed what they described as ‘claims […]