With surprising aplomb, the international press assures us that we are not witnessing a military change of regime in Syria, but a revolution overthrowing the Syrian Arab Republic. The presence of the Turkish army and US special forces is hidden from us. We are bombarded with propaganda that has been denied several times about the crimes attributed to “Bashar”. Cannibal throat-cutters are transformed into respectable revolutionaries. Once again, the international press is consciously lying to us.

In 11 days, the Syrian Arab Republic, which had valiantly resisted attacks by jihadists supported by the largest coalition in history since 2011, was overthrown. So what happened?
First of all, since October 15, 2017, the United States has organized a siege of Syria, prohibiting all trade with it and prohibiting the United Nations from participating in its reconstruction [1]. This strategy was extended, in 2020, to Lebanon with the Caesar Act [2].
We, members of the European Union, have all participated in this crime. The majority of Syrians were malnourished. The pound had collapsed: what was worth 1 pound before the war, in 2011, was worth 50,000 when Damascus fell (the pound was revalued three days later thanks to an injection of Qatari money). The same causes always have the same effects, Syria was defeated like Iraq before it, when Secretary of State Madeleine Albright congratulated herself on having caused the death of half a million Iraqi children from disease and malnutrition.
On the other hand, if it was the jihadists of Hayat Tahrir al-Cham (HTC) who took Damascus, they were not the ones who won militarily. On November 27, HTC, armed by Qatar and supervised by the Turkish army disguised as the “Syrian National Army” (SNA), took control of the M4 highway which served as a ceasefire line. In addition, HTC and Türkiye had very high-performance drones operated by Ukrainian advisers. Finally, HTC took with it the Uighur colony of the Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP) which had been entrenched in al-Zanbaki for 8 years [3]. The Israeli, Russian and Chinese theaters of operation have therefore merged.
Then, these forces attacked Aleppo, until then defended by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. The latter withdrew without a word, leaving a small garrison of the Syrian Arab Army to defend the city. Faced with the disproportion of forces, the Syrian government ordered its troops to withdraw to Hama, which they did on November 29, after a brief battle.
On November 30, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad went to Russia. Not to attend the exam that his son Hafez was taking at Moscow University where he is continuing his studies, but to call for help. The Russian forces in Syria could only bomb the jihadists’ convoys because they are only airborne. They therefore tried to block the road to HTC and Turkey. They could not intervene on the ground against them. Aleppo was well and truly lost. Moreover, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, following his country’s tradition [4], has never acknowledged the loss of the Ottoman territories of Greece (Thessaloniki), the island of Cyprus, Syria (Aleppo) and Iraq (Mosul).
With dormant jihadist cells having been reactivated by Türkiye, the already exhausted Syrian Arab Army had to fight on all fronts at once. This is what General Maher el-Assad (the president’s brother) tried to do, in vain.
Ali Larijani, special envoy of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, went to Damascus to explain the withdrawal of the Revolutionary Guards from Aleppo and to set conditions for military aid from the Islamic Republic of Iran; astonishing cultural conditions for a secular state. In a telephone conversation with his Iranian counterpart, Masoud Pezeshkian, President Bashar al-Assad said that the “terrorist escalation” was aimed at “trying to fragment the region, to crumble its states and to redraw the regional map in accordance with the interests and objectives of America and the West.” However, the official statement does not reflect the mood of the conversation. The Syrian president wanted to know who had ordered the Revolutionary Guards to abandon Aleppo. He did not get an answer. He then warned President Pezeshkian about the consequences for Iran of a fall of Syria. Nothing worked. Tehran continued to demand that it be given the keys to Syria to defend it.
On December 2, General Jasper Jeffers III, commander in chief of the United States Special Forces (UsSoCom), arrives in Beirut. Officially, he comes to monitor the implementation of the oral Israeli-Lebanese ceasefire. Given his functions, it is obvious that this will only be part of his mission. He will supervise the capture of Damascus by the Turks behind HTC.
On December 5, the United States relaunches at the United Nations Security Council their accusations against President Bashar al-Assad of using chemical weapons to repress his own people. They ignore the very many objections, testimonies and investigations that have shown that they are nothing more than war propaganda. Chemical weapons are the first argument of the gigantic Anglo-Saxon persuasion machine. They are what allowed the number 2 of the United Nations, Jeffrey Feltman, to prohibit the reconstruction of Syria. They were the ones who convinced Western public opinion that “Bashar is the executioner of Damascus” and blamed him for all the deaths in the war launched against his country.
Simultaneously, the Pentagon told HTC and the Turkish army that they could continue their advance, take Damascus and overthrow the Syrian Arab Republic.
On December 6 and 7, the Doha Forum was held in Qatar. Many Middle Eastern figures participated alongside Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. On the sidelines of the Forum, a guarantee was given to Russia, which represented President al-Assad, that the soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army would not be pursued and that the military bases of the Russian Federation would not be attacked. Another guarantee was given to Iran that the Shiite shrines would not be destroyed, but it seems that Tehran was already convinced of this.
According to Hakan Fidan, the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Benjamin Netanyahu and Joe Biden considered that the operation should end there. It was the Pentagon that decided, with the United Kingdom, to continue until the overthrow of the Syrian Arab Republic [5].
In New York, the Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2761 [6]. It authorizes disregarding sanctions against jihadists during “humanitarian operations”. The United Nations, which has never authorized relief for populations crushed under the yoke of Daesh, has suddenly authorized trade with HTC. This turnaround by the Security Council corresponds to the instructions of the United Nations advisor, Noah Bonsey, as he had already put forward in February 2021 when he worked for George Soros [7].
Abou Mohammed al-Jolani, the leader of HTC, gives an interview to Jomana Karadsheh for CNN. She highlights it while the State Department’s Rewards for Justice website still offers $10 million for any information leading to the arrest of the jihadist leader [8]
On December 7, HTC and Türkiye take Saidnaya prison. This is a major issue for war propaganda that has nicknamed it “the human slaughterhouse.” It is claimed that thousands of people were tortured and executed there and that their bodies were burned in a crematorium. For three days, the White Helmets, an NGO that has both saved lives and participated in massacres, search the prison and its surroundings in search of secret underground passages, torture rooms and a crematorium. Alas! They find no evidence of the crimes denounced. Ultimately, journalist Clarissa Ward stages for CNN the release of a prisoner who has not seen the light of day for three months, but is clean, well-dressed and has well-groomed nails [9].
The accusations of torture and summary executions are all the more difficult to bear since Bashar al-Assad gave instructions in 2011 prohibiting all forms of torture and created a Ministry of National Reconciliation responsible for reintegrating Syrians who had joined the jihadists, and finally implemented general amnesties about forty times.
On December 8, President Bashar al-Assad ordered his men to lay down their arms. Damascus fell without a fight. The jihadists immediately unfurled pre-printed banners and affixed the symbol of the new regime to their uniforms. Former Al-Qaeda fighter and then Daesh number 2, Abu Mohammed al-Jolani, real name Ahmad el-Chara, seizes power. Surrounded by British communications advisers, he gives a speech at the Great Umayyad Mosque, modeled on that of the Daesh caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, at the Great Al-Nouri Mosque in Mosul in 2019.
HTC now treats Christians as mustamin (Islamic classification for non-Muslim foreigners who reside on a limited basis in Muslim territory), sparing them the dhimmi pact (a series of rights and duties reserved for non-Muslims) and the payment of the jiziya tax. In September 2022, for the first time in a decade, a ceremony in honor of Saint Anne was held in the Armenian church of al-Yacoubiyah, in the countryside of Jisr al-Shugur, west of Idlib.
3,000 soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army go into exile in Iraq. They are disarmed and housed in tents at the Al-Qaim border crossing, then transferred to a military base in Rutba. Baghdad announces that it is trying to obtain guarantees so that they can return home [10].
The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) launch an operation to destroy the equipment and fortifications of the Syrian Arab Army. In four days, 480 bombings sink the fleet and set fire to armories and warehouses. Simultaneously, ground teams assassinate the country’s leading scientists.
After showing journalists around the empty Syrian fortifications along the coast, Benny Kata, a local military commander, tells his guests: “It is clear that we will stay here for a while. We are prepared for it.”
The IDF is already invading Syria a little more, beyond the Golan ceasefire line that it occupies. It announces that it will create a new buffer zone on Syrian territory, to protect the current buffer zone, in short to annex it. In addition, they annexed Mount Hermon so that they could monitor the entire region.
On December 9, General Michael Kurilla, commander-in-chief of the US forces in the broader Middle East (CentCom), traveled to Amman to meet with General Yousef Al-H’naity, chairman of the Jordanian Joint Chiefs of Staff. He reaffirmed the US commitment to support Jordan if threats emanated from Syria during the current transition period.
On December 10, General Michael Kurilla visited his troops and those of the Syrian Democratic Forces (Kurdish mercenaries) in several bases in Syria. He developed a plan to ensure that Daesh would not leave the area assigned to it by the Pentagon and would not interfere in the regime change in Damascus. Immediately, intense bombardments prevented Daesh from approaching.
HTC appoints Mohammed al-Bashir, former jihadist “governor” of Idlib, as Prime Minister of the new regime. He is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, sponsored by the British MI6. France, which had negotiated with its special envoy, Jean-Yves Le Drian, the appointment of Riad Hijab (former secretary of the Council of Ministers in 2012), realizes that it has been cheated.
That same evening, there is no longer any question of making Jean-Yves Le Drian Prime Minister in France. On the contrary, the Élysée invites the anti-terrorism prosecutor of Paris to the France2 news. He puts an end to the acclamations of the new power in Damascus and deplores that HTC is involved in the assassination of the French professor Samuel Patty (2020) and in the massacre in Nice (86 dead, in 2016). The French press then changed its tune and began to question the new power that the international press continued to present as respectable.
On December 11, the main Palestinian factions present in Syria (Palestine Liberation Front, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Islamic Jihad Movement, Palestinian Popular Struggle Front, General Command) met in Yarmouk (Damascus) in the presence of delegates from HTC (Military Operations Department). Fatah and Hamas did not participate in the meeting. They were asked to make peace with their Israeli ally. It was decided that no faction would have a privileged status and that all would be treated identically. Each group agreed to lay down their arms.
General Michael Kurilla traveled successively to Lebanon and Israel for three days. In Beirut, he met with General Joseph Aoun, commander of the Lebanese armed forces, and especially his colleague, US General Jasper Jeffers III. In Tel Aviv, he met with the entire Israeli Joint Chiefs of Staff and Defense Minister Israel Katz. On this occasion, he said: “My visit to Israel, as well as to Jordan, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon over the past six days, has underscored the importance of seeing today’s challenges and opportunities through the eyes of our partners, our commanders on the ground and our service members. We must maintain strong partnerships to confront current and future threats to the region.”
On December 12, Ibrahim Kalin, director of the Turkish National Intelligence Organization (Millî İstihbarat Teşkilatı – MIT), is the first foreign high-ranking official to visit the new government in Damascus. On the same day, the Kurdish mercenaries, who administer northeastern Syria for the US occupation army, raise the country’s new green, white and black three-star flag, that of the French mandate. Kalin will be followed on December 15 by a Qatari delegation.
To validate the accusations of torture attributed to the former regime, Clarissa Ward, who is definitely in great shape, stages for CNN corpses found in the morgue of a hospital in Damascus, as the same CNN had staged those in a morgue in Timișoara, during the overthrow of the Ceaușescu, in 1989 [11].
Meanwhile, according to the United Nations, more than a million Syrians are trying to flee their country. They do not believe that the HTC jihadists have suddenly become civilized.
The author of this article, Thierry Meyssan, was an advisor to the Libyan and then Syrian authorities for nine years. From this experience, he produced a fundamental work on Western policy in the Middle East: Before Our Very Eyes, Fake Wars and Big Lies: From 9/11 to Donald Trump.
[1] “Parameters and Principles of UN assistance in Syria”, by Jeffrey D. Feltman, Voltaire Network, 15 October 2017.
[2] “Hassan Nasrallah says US wants to cause famine in Lebanon”, Voltaire Network, 17 June 2020.
[3] “The 18,000 al-Qaeda Uyghurs in Syria”, Translation Roger Lagassé, Voltaire Network, 21 August 2018. «Uyghur fighters in Syria vow to come for China next», Sophia Yan, The Telegraph, Decembrer 13, 2024.
[4] « Serment national turc », Réseau Voltaire, 28 janvier 1920.
[5] «Fidan: Nous avons négocié avec la Russie et l’Iran pour qu’en Syrie, ça se passe sans effusion de sang», Anadolu Agency, 13 décembre 2024. «“Israël ne voulait pas qu’Assad tombe”, affirme le chef de la diplomatie turque», I24 News, 16 décembre 2024.
[6] « Résolution portant exemption des sanctions contre les jihadistes », Réseau Voltaire, 6 décembre 2024.
[7] «In Syria’s Idlib, Washington’s Chance to Reimagine Counter-terrorism», New Crisis Group, Noah Bonsey & Dareen Khalifa, February 2021.
[8] «Muhammad al-Jawlani», Rewards for Justice, site consulté le 14 décembre 2024.
[9] «‘Are you serious?’: He spent months in a Syrian prison. CNN’s camera caught the moment he’s freed, Clarissa Ward, CNN, December 11, 2024.
[11] «Battered corpses show the horrors of life and death under Syria’s Assad», CNN December 12, 2024.
Source: Voltaire Network