Trump’s ‘Deal’ To End Ukraine’s War Is To Continue Biden’s Policy


Stephen Bryen is retired from a career near the top at both the U.S. Defense Department and a top-ten U.S. armaments manufacturer, and on February 10th he issued a commentary which makes clear that Trump’s policy regarding Ukraine’s war doesn’t yet, and probably never will, separate itself from what President Biden’s policy had always been, which was to drag the war out unless and until one side or the other will ultimately emerge as its winner, and the other side will surrender to it — probably though not necessarily unconditionally. Of course, that’s extremely profitable for America’s ‘defense’ (aggression) contractors, the corporations whose main market is the U.S. Government, the ‘Defense’ (aggression) Department, and whose other markets are its colonies (‘allies’), such as in NATO, who buy mainly American weaponry. And these corporations are far more profitable than ones which sell to consumers are.

Bryen’s article is titled “The Rocky Road to a Ukraine Deal: EU and European Cooperation is Unlikely”. My article here is merely commenting upon it:

Dr. Bryen believes that the EU — which was actually created by the U.S. Government, and at least until recently has been behind-the-scenes controlled by it — is an independent actor in international relations, NOT ultimately controlled by the U.S. Government. Whether he has credible private personal sources upon which he believes this, I don’t know, and I base my writings only on the existing publicly available sources that I have verified to exist and to be true in their allegations that I can verify, which are the sources that I link to. So, I am not in a position to evaluate that belief he holds. But if it is true, it would be a huge change. Furthermore, it would be totally at variance with the news up till today regarding the EU and its member-states. However, I did headline and document on 23 December 2024, “America is a declining country.”  One would expect a declining country to start shedding some of its allies. And, on February 5th, EuroNews headlined “European countries firmly reject Trump’s plan to take over Gaza”, and reported that UK, Germany, France, Spain, Ireland, and (except for the nazi Geert Wilders) Netherlands, condemned Trump’s Gaza plan, and (which is the most historically significant of all, because it means the end of the 1945-2025 “Special Relationship” between the UK and U.S.): “British Prime Minister Keir Starmer voiced reservations in his first major public break with the Trump administration.” (It might be the biggest-ever split between the UK and U.S. since 1945.) Also, Trump’s demanding that Denmark sell Greenland to the U.S. has poisoned the U.S.-EU relationship, because, for the very first time, the U.S. regime is threatening to invade an EU-member nation, Denmark, and this also will increase greatly the possibility of breaking up and ending the NATO alliance. On the other hand, as Ahmed Adel reported today (February 10th) headlining at InfoBRICS “EU remains silent on Trump’s plan to expel Palestinians from Gaza”, closes with “It is very telling that the EU has remained virtually silent on the issue.” What this silence thus far indicates is that Trump is driving the EU-member nations toward finally breaking away from their alliance with the U.S. regime but not YET toward officially recognizing that, as I had headlined and documented on 28 November 2022, “AMERICA — NOT RUSSIA — IS EUROPE’S ENEMY”, which closed with “This is an American-billionaires’ scheme to destroy Europe.” Ursula von der Leyen, who heads the EU, and has always supported the U.S. regime, is too committed to defeating Russia for her to continue in her post if the EU is required to switch, end its subordination to the U.S. regime. However, switching to Russia would end the economic crash that Europe now is experiencing. The foundation of the EU is already cracking up. So, perhaps Bryen is right.

Everything else that Bryen reports is consistent with Trump’s having lied during his re-election campaign when he claimed to have a secret plan to end the war in Ukraine within his first 24 hours as the next President. I’ve linked there to an opinion-piece by the rabid neoconservative Republican Max Boot, which opens with and documents and exposes to have been lies, by linking to, lies by Trump and by Nixon, about the defeat, of America’s military in Vietnam, and of America’s military in Afghanistan, and the now-likely oncoming defeat of the U.S. and NATO in Ukraine, and Boot says of Trump’s plan regarding Ukraine (if Trump had one) “If that is Trump’s plan, it is more preposterous than anything Nixon ever contemplated during the Vietnam War.” (Then, Boot went on, from there, to lie, himself, about the war in Ukraine as being “The current conflict began, after all, with a Russian blitzkrieg [on 24 February 2022] aimed at taking Kyiv,” instead of as having started in February 2014 — which it did. And it was NOT, on 24 February 2022, “aimed at taking Kyiv.” Nobody should ever trust a neocon, but what Boot said at his article’s opening, and documented via links to America’s history of military surrenders ever since at least the 1970s, is all true, and has generally been hidden from the U.S. public as much as it can be and remain hidden by our ‘historians’.)

Here are some of my prior articles about the decline and fall of the U.S. empire:

“The U.S. Empire Is Ending”, 27 July 2020 

“The US Empire is Starting to Fall Apart”, 5 February 2023

“The Shameful Way that the American Empire Is Ending”, 19 March 2024

“How The U.S. Empire Is Ending”, 31 March 2024

“When & How the Western Establishment Came to Recognize It’s Doomed”, 8 May 2024

All of this is about what happens when an empire starts reaching the advanced stages of decline — it becomes increasingly desperate, and starts increasingly feeding upon even its own colonies (‘allies’), and even ultimately upon its own citizenry, such as their shortening lifespans after America’s peaked in 2014 and didn’t exceed that peak until nine years later, 2023 (which high figure could turn out to have been a fluke). Furthermore, America’s Covid-19 performance (like that of its colonies) was terrible, so that “From 2019 to 2021 life expectancy at birth in the United States (US) declined by approximately 2.45 years to values not seen since 1996.” The CIA-edited and written Wikipedia (which blacklists (blocks from linking to) sites that aren’t CIA-approved), article “List of Countries by Life Expectancy” no longer even lists the U.S., because the U.S. performance is virtually unique for not having improved ever since, at least, 2008, when it was (among the 228 countries and territories then listed), the 45th, at 78.00 years. Today it is (according to the U.S. CDC) 77.5 years, which still is better than the global average of 71 stated there, because most people are very poor. The WHO lists all countries and now shows U.S. as being the 46th, at 76.37 years, which is below Japan, South Korea, China, and all of Europe except for Poland, Bosnia, Montenegro, Slovakia, Hungary, and Serbia. That’s no improvement, but even a decline for the U.S., since at least 2008. As recently as 8 October 2024, Wikipedia DID list the U.S., as being 55th, at 79.3 years, but the U.S. Government hasn’t published any figure beyond 2023 yet; so, this number is actually only an optimistic guess. But, anyway, America’s life-expectancy has overall remained flat since at least 2008.

According to WHO, “Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, global life expectancy has increased by more than 6 years between 2000 and 2019 – from 66.8 years in 2000 to 73.1 years in 2019.” The rise was virtually non-existent in the U.S.

A major U.,S. empire propaganda organization, the Brookings Institution, compared America’s recovery from Covid-19 versus that of the other G10 countries, all of which are U.S. colonies and suffer greatly from being so: Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and (of course) the United States. It concludes: “The U.S. is significantly outperforming its peers. … Overall, this makes the recovery — and fiscal stimulus behind it — a success.” Countries in the U.S. empire had much higher death-rates during the covid crisis than did the rest of the world; so, to compare America’s performance versus the performance of its colonies, is designed for propaganda purposes, not to inform but to deceive.

This is what happens when an empire has started the process to break up. Trump appears likely to accelerate the break-up, not to prevent it.

PS: If you like this article, please email it to all your friends or otherwise let others know about it. None of the U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media will likely publish it (nor link to it, since doing that might also hurt them with Google or etc.). I am not asking for money, but I am asking my readers to spread my articles far and wide, because I specialize in documenting what the Deep State is constantly hiding — what the ‘news’-media ignore if they can, and deny if they must. This is, in fact, today’s samizdat.

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