
ORIENTAL REVIEW is an international e- journal focusing on current political issues in Eurasia and beyond. The initiative is launched in February 2010 by a group of freelance bloggers and political analysts concerned with the aggravating security situation in the world.

Our mission, but sharing alternative outlooks and providing new edge analysis of the situation in the global ‘hot spots’, will be in developing the project into a full-fledged Open Dialogue Research Centre. We believe that our contribution will be useful for making up a comprehensive mosaic of the world’s politics for international academic, governmental and independent experts.

We are not affiliated with any particular research institution, foundation or political party. Our independence is ensured by the financial competence of the project initiators.

Actually we are gathering a core expert group for reporting both nationally and internationally. So your ideas, comments and suggestions will be most welcomed by our still tiny staff. We will also appreciate if you share our content through your favorite social network accounts.

Please do not hesitate contacting us at or@orientalreview.su. We do reckon on your interest and support and remain

Sincerely Yours,

Editorial Team

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