U.S. President Trump is misrepresenting to allege that he is making progress in his attempt to get Ukraine’s leader Volodmyr Zelensky to accept ending the war in Ukraine on any other basis than defeating Russia outright (no compromise). When I reported, on March 1st, about “The Trump-v.-Zelensky Comedy Show” which had been […]
Tag: Joe Biden
The Agony Of The ‘Political West’
Last week, I recounted the events concerning the Ukrainian conflict, emphasizing that the French president, Emmanuel Macron, as brilliant as he is, was incapable of adapting to changes in the world. This week, I take the same elements, and many others that followed, to show that the divorce of Europeans […]
The Ukrainian Trace In California Fires (II)
Part I American, and then European journalists, recalled another cautionary story, when in 2017-2019 the United States refused to purchase 10 Russian Be-200 amphibious firefighting jet aircraft (which had previously successfully extinguished forest fires in France, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Israel, and Turkey), which could quickly cope with the fiery disaster […]
Why America, The EU, And Ukraine, Should Lose To Russia In Ukraine’s War
The war in Ukraine is, but in reverse, the same situation that America’s President JFK had faced with regard to the Soviet Union in the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, when the U.S. would have invaded Cuba if Khrushchev wouldn’t agree to a mutually acceptable settlement — which he did, and […]
The Trump-v.-Zelensky Comedy Show, And Why I Still Expect Russia To Win And Take Ukraine From The U.S.
This is a commentary upon the (Democratic Party’s — or liberal — billionaires’) ‘Public Broadcasting System’s (PBS) youtube video of the dispute that took place in the White House on February 28th between Donald Trump and Volodmyr Zelensky (who knows that the 2014 overthrow and replacement of Ukraine’s democratically elected […]
Jeffrey Sachs Insulted The EU’s Leaders, And Obama & Biden
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lD_KEFpuIro “Jeffrey Sachs EU Parliament Explosive Speech Shakes Europe and Middle East; VIDEO GOES VIRAL!” He tells them to their face, that they’ve all been lying to their public, regarding the war in Ukraine, and that Russia inevitably will not allow U.S. missiles to be placed in the country, Ukraine, […]
APEC And Chinese-Style Geoeconomics
The 35th summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), which consists of 21 countries from the North and South Americas and Southeast Asia, held in Peru in November 2024, showed that the balance of power is changing rapidly. It is noticeable that the U.S. is losing its influence, although it […]
Britain Labour’s Missteps And Starmer’s ‘Trump problem’
Since the general elections which took place in the UK in July, 2024, the ruling Labour Party and its head and prime-minister Sir Keir Starmer have experienced an unprecedented drop in popularity and public support.[1] Polls say that while Keir Starmer and Labour Party would still come out on top, […]
The Atlantic Alliances Are Ending; The Cold War Is Over
The Cold War started on 25 July 1945, when U.S. President Harry Truman made his final decision for the U.S. Government to reverse his immediate predecessor FDR’s plan for the post-WW2 world (FDR had planned for international relations in the post-WW2 world to be dominated by his invention, the U.N., […]
Trump’s ‘Deal’ To End Ukraine’s War Is To Continue Biden’s Policy
Stephen Bryen is retired from a career near the top at both the U.S. Defense Department and a top-ten U.S. armaments manufacturer, and on February 10th he issued a commentary which makes clear that Trump’s policy regarding Ukraine’s war doesn’t yet, and probably never will, separate itself from what President Biden’s […]