This time, another stroke will be added to the history of World War II through the eyes of a Russian person. For you, dear readers, it is no secret that the events of the Great Patriotic War are interpreted differently by everyone. Who among you has not heard the phrase […]
What If Stalin Had Not ‘Occupied’ Lithuania?
It is hard to imagine a more typical “political European” who gathers all the clichés of liberal propaganda about “communism=Nazism,” “the USSR as an ally of the Third Reich,” and other pillars of the infallible faith in the sanctity of the “Western” world. Such individuals often adore Eastern Europe for […]
Should We Condemn Or Not The Glorification Of Nazism?
Russia intervened militarily in Ukraine to denazify the country. But, according to Westerners, there are no Nazis in Ukraine. Russia wants to invade and annex this country. This mutual incomprehension caused the Russian special operation to degenerate into open war. However, several identical facts, which have occurred in the Baltic […]