Day: June 9, 2018

The War For Mecca And Jerusalem

The civil war or a direct assault on Iran could well lead to the downfall of the Quraysh houses of Al-Saud and Al-Neyhan, the conquest of both Mecca and Jerusalem by the Multipolar CENTO (it is expected that Russia and China would both provide the necessary military support as Russia did for Syria) and the end of the American empire.

Lavrov’s visit to Rwanda

Rwanda Is Poised To Play An Irreplaceable Role In Russia’s “Pivot To Africa”

Russia recognizes the reality that Rwanda is a military superpower in Central Africa and that it would surely play a decisive role in any forthcoming Congo War, which might also be why Lavrov was so eager to visit the country and find out what President Kagame discussed with Macron at the end of last month during a closed-door meeting in Paris that media reports suggested was about the developing Congo Crisis.