Why NATO Lost, And Russia Won, The Ukraine War

Russian conscripts called up for military service line up before their departure for garrisons as they gather at a recruitment centre in Simferopol, Crimea, April 25, 2023. The signs on the bags read: ‘Army of Russia’.

The fact that NATO has lost and Russia has won the war in Ukraine, is described to the public for the first time on October 21st, stated by the great geostrategic analyst Alexander Mercouris, who had always been predicting correctly not only that this would happen, but how and why it would happen, and he has also been explaining why virtually all of the U.S.-and-allied newsmedia have been predicting the exact opposite. His report, on October 21st, is that this defeat of America’s NATO, and victory of Russia, is now an established fact in all except the formalities of its being announced to the world. It’s his commentary upon an October 20th news-report in Britain’s Telegraph, which was headlined “Exhausted and full of regrets – even Ukraine’s fiercest soldiers are facing up to prospect of defeat”, and Mercouris’s commentary upon that news-report can be heard from him via his 29-minute video:


Basically, he’s saying that the formalities of this announcement will be held off until the next U.S. President will be inaugurated, this coming January 20th.

The reason for that delay is: the current U.S. President, Joe Biden (like many leaders in the EU and NATO) has been saying that whatever assistance Ukraine will need from the U.S. Government and its allies in order to defeat Russia in the battlefields of Ukraine will be provided to Ukraine; and, so, the current U.S. President is doing, with regard to this war, what the immediately prior U.S. President (Trump) did with regard to the war in Afghanistan — leaving America’s formal capitulation in a war, to be handled by his immediate successor, to deal with it, and with its consequences (and to be blamed for it).

Those consequences, in the present instance of it, will be vast (much bigger than America’s abandonment of Afghanistan was): it’s the end of what has been called “the American Century,” which began actually with America’s having emerged from WW2 as the only essential participant on the winning side that lost only a few (0.32%) of its citizens (as compared to the Soviet Union’s 13.7% and UK’s 0.94%), and with no property-damage to its territory other than the Pearl Harbor attack from Japan that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt proclaimed to be, on that “day of infamy,” 7 December 1941, when America entered WW2 and became the armaments-supplier to both Britain and the Soviet Union, which weapons-supplies won the war for the Allies. Hitler was defeated not really in the West (the subsequent EU area — Europe outside the Soviet Union) but in the East, in the Soviet Union itself, by Soviet troops and American and Soviet weapons; and this enormous destruction of Hitler’s forces, within the territory of the Soviet Union, was decisive to the Allies’ victory. It left the U.S. as the main, if not exclusive, shaper of the post-WW2 world. The U.S. Government’s defeat in Ukraine now, after it and its colonies (NATO) had spent $400 billion to prop up Ukraine’s government (with NATO weapons and U.S. satellite intelligence), ever since Russia had invaded Ukraine on 24 February 2022, signals the termination of the unipolar era that FDR’s immediate successor Harry Truman, had, on 25 July 1945, decided to become the springboard not to the end of all empires, as FDR had been planning, but instead for the creation and expansion of the new and biggest-ever empire the world has ever had, the American empire, and this is what is effectively being terminated today. What Truman produced was a world heading increasingly into a unipolar world controlled NOT by the international democracy of the U.N. (such as FDR had planned), but instead controlled by America’s own Government, which has become controlled by America’s weapons-producers and their NATO and intelligence agencies — Truman’s dream was for a single empire dictating over this entire planet.

On October 13th, I headlined “The Collapsing U.S. Empire”, and wrote about the events which had immediately led up to that Telegraph article (“Exhausted and full of regrets – even Ukraine’s fiercest soldiers are facing up to prospect of defeat”). Basically, what was behind this collapse is that Ukraine’s government had become so desperate to turn its war around, so that they (Ukraine’s Volodmyr Zelensky) were demanding from U.S. President Biden that he allow escalating this war to the nuclear level, so that it could be won as a global (U.S.-v.-Russia) nuclear war, instead of lost as a merely local (Ukraine-v.-Russia) non-nuclear war. On that same day, October 13th, I headlined also “Ukraine Appears Now to Have Lost Its War With Russia” and pointed out that America’s newsmedia were hiding from the American public the U.S. Presidential campaign’s most important of all questions for the two nominees, Trump and Harris, to answer: “Might it be worth a preemptive blitz nuclear attack against Russia &/or China if that’s what’s needed in order for the U.S. to retain its position as the most powerful nation?” This would have forced an answer, from both Trump and Harris, to the question as to whether or not America’s answer to Zelensky’s demand should be yes, or instead no. Russia’s Government is willing to go to WW3 in order to win aganst the U.S. Government — is America’s Government willing to go to WW3 in order to stop NATO’s expansion to within a mere 300 miles from The Kremlin (Ukraine having by far the nearest of all borders to The Kremlin)? In other words: America’s newsmedia uniformly have wanted the U.S. electorate to go to the polls without there having been any public discussion of the most important issue in the entire election (and the entire world at the present time). But Biden has, indeed, said no to it.

The real turning-point on these events had actually occurred on September 13th, about which I headlined “Biden might decide today whether to initiate WW3 against Russia.” I indicated there that Biden had likely decided on that afternoon not to comply with Ukraine’s demand for Biden to allow Ukraine to bomb The Kremlin. Then, the next day, I headlined “‘Biden might decide today whether to initiate WW3 against Russia.’: UPDATE #4”, and reported that Russia had just made clear that if and when Biden would grant such permission, Russia would not wait but would instead directly escalate to a war not only against Ukraine’s government (as Russia has been treating its war in Ukraine) but would then go also against NATO itself.(so as not to become checkmated by the U.S. and its NATO). It would be WW3. Furthermore: the UK’s Government nonetheless still wanted Biden to grant the permission to Ukraine to bomb The Kremlin. But Biden continued to keep quiet about whether he would or wouldn’t. And, then, on September 23rd. I headlined “Denmark’s Prime Minister Calls for WW3 Now Against Russia and Maybe China”. She went even beyond the UK’s Prime Minister Keir Starmer on that — all the way to China.

Apparently, Biden isn’t willing to force Russia into a WW3. But, also apparently, whether or not Harris and/or Trump would be, is not going to be asked of either of the candidates to replace Biden. If the winner will be President Harris, then I expect that, like the Prime Ministers of both Denmark and the UK, she would say yes to Zelensky’s demand, and she argues for it on the basis of a string of demonstrable lies. However, even if she tries to do it, she will be assisting an even weaker Ukraine than it is today. And a WW3 between Russia and the U.S. empire would kill-off at least 5 billion people within just the first two years from the explosions; and, so, anyone who alleges that that would be better than letting Ukraine be defeated by Russia would have to be insane.

PS: If you like this article, please email it to all your friends or otherwise let others know about it. None of the U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media will likely publish it (nor link to it, since doing that might also hurt them with Google or etc.). I am not asking for money, but I am asking my readers to spread my articles far and wide, because I specialize in documenting what the Deep State is constantly hiding. This is, in fact, today’s samizdat.

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