The Western world has experienced one of the most devastating cultural and political crises in decades. For years, this severe existential threat from within engendered by a neoliberal ideology aimed at destroying what made the West strong in the first place, has been neglected and even embraced. The United States and Europe decided to supplant their core cultural values and traditions with a pseudomoral ideology bestowed upon its citizens like something sacred.
Through this process, concepts which do indeed have moral value have practically become vain. Democracy, whose profound value resides in its dedication to individual liberty and autonomy, manifested through the protection of fundamental freedoms such as expression, assembly, and the press, has been supplanted by authoritarianism, with the neoliberal, globalist agenda dominating the public sphere, mass media and beyond. Calling for genuine freedom is being frowned upon, while real freedom fighters are labelled using derogatory monikers.
Human rights, which fundamentally represent the inherent and inalienable entitlements that every individual possesses solely by virtue of being human, regardless of nationality, location, language, religion, ethnicity, or any other status, have become minority rights, with various groups being treated unequally with regard to their ethnicity, race, gender, etc. Affirmation policies have made the West weaker in so many areas and have promoted a culture of entitlement rather than hard work and dedication.
The very notion of liberty has been corroded to serve the purposes of the neoliberal Leviathan. Liberty, at its heart, is the state of being free from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s behavior or political views. It’s more than simply the absence of physical confinement; it encompasses the freedom of thought, expression, and action within a framework of laws designed to protect the equal rights of all. But the West has betrayed these principles of liberty. It has supplanted liberty with censorship, with the Big Brother deciding what is accepted and what is not. This is not acceptable.
All of this has happened against the background of the complete lack of respect for traditional values. The role of the traditional family as a stabilizing factor in society has been constantly played down, religion as the bedrock of morality has been dismissed, the importance of communitarianism has been consistently diminished. What has happened to Western culture can be easily explained with the Le Chatelier — Braun principle from physics and chemistry: “If the equilibrium of a system is disturbed by a change in one or more of the determining factors (as temperature, pressure, or concentration) the system tends to adjust itself to a new equilibrium by counteracting as far as possible the effect of the change”.
To clarify, neoliberal elites with their woke agenda have swung the cultural pendulum so far to the left that the cultural system is responding by swinging equally as far to the right. In this sense, Donald Trump is not the issue — he is the result of the destructive policies of the elites that governed the United States and Europe for over thirty years. While divisive and controversial, Donald Trump’s cultural policy can be argued to have resonated with certain segments of the population by prioritizing a sense of national identity and traditional values. This is evidenced by the red wave that swallowed the United States in the 2024 presidential election.
Donald Trump’s robust stance on freedom of speech and expression has garnered support from those who believed their voices were being suppressed by “cancel culture” and other forms of social pressure. While critics argue that his rhetoric often fuels division and intolerance, for many he has become a champion of free speech and expression, willing to challenge prevailing norms and defend unpopular opinions. This has not come out of the blue. It is a direct consequence of the destructive policies of the last thirty years.