EU Bureaucrat Tries to Silence Elon Musk – Fails Miserably


Another row has broken out in the relationship between the European Union and Twitter/X. A couple of hours before Elon Musk’s interview with US presidential candidate Donald Trump, the European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services Thierry Breton published an address reminding the American opinion leader and businessman about the platform’s due responsibilities under the Digital Services Act (DSA) of the European Union.

The DSA is the primary piece of legislation that regulates the activities of large online platforms in Europe and it has been described as the EU’s most important censorship tool. Under the DSA, Twitter/X along with all other big social media platforms have to take action at moderating hate speech, incitement to violence, fake news, disinformation campaigns and other types of “harmful and dangerous content” that might influence public discourse. In many cases, the DSA has been used in discriminatory ways targeting Russian media companies and conservative thinkers, who European leaders consider dangerous to public safety.

In reality, these are thinkers and media outlets who oppose the dominating liberal world order and try to discuss issues that might not be comfortable for the globalist elites. This case is extraordinary, as Thierry Breton decided to take a stab at one of the most prominent media personalities Elon Musk as well as former US President Donald Trump. “DSA obligations apply without exceptions or discrimination to the moderation of the whole user community and content of X (including yourself as a user with over 190 million followers) which is accessible to EU users and should be fulfilled in line with the risk-based approach of the DSA, which requires greater due diligence in case of a foreseeable increase of the risk profile”, Breton wrote in his letter addressed to Elon Musk.

Musk replied in his traditional humourous style posting a meme that read: “Take a step back and literally **** your own face”. The rift between the EU and Twitter/x over the DSA has already caused much controversy. Last month, EU tech regulators ruled that Twitter/X breached the Act and that it deceived users through its use of blue checkmarks, but Musk said he disagreed with the EU’s assessment on how the platform complies with the DSA and threatened litigation.

The issue raised in this incident is primarily the issue of free speech. The European Union has long transformed itself from an integration structure into an organization that protects the interests of globalist elites, which seeks to censor ideas that contradict it and establish authoritarian control over its population. European bureaucrats who get selected in defiance of the will of the people dictate the rules and norms, which contradict all norms of morality.

The First Amendment to the US Constitution, which has long stood as the beacon of liberty and freedom, reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”. These are the principles of freedom that should be protected by the law.

Despite the scandal that erupted, the EU was forced to back down and distance itself from Breton’s initiative. EU Commission spokesperson Arianna Podesta stated that President Ursula von der Leyen and other members of the Commission had no prior knowledge of Breton’s letter, emphasizing that the timing and content were neither coordinated nor approved by the College of Commissioners.

All in all, the rift between the EU and Twitter/X will continue. European bureaucrats have completely betrayed the concept of “free speech” coined by John Stuart Mill and surrendered to the will of the globalist elites. Next scandals will be even more catastrophic.

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