Today we will once again touch upon the topic of the Russian flag and the myths associated with it. In the previous article we discussed how certain circles attempt to impose a bloody Nazi past on it through manipulation and distortion of facts. Undoubtedly, the tricolor was used by collaborators, […]
Today’s Government That represents Hitlerism Is The US Government
Hitler’s beliefs were supremacist: Might makes right, and we are the mightiest; all who resist us are wrong and must therefore be crushed. Of course, Hitler stood for the German version of that. However, in the post-WW2 world, the U.S. Government has carried this banner. The ideology is essentially the […]
Far From Ignorant: The European Union, Arms Exports And Israel
While international law can, at times, seem an ephemeral creature, vulnerable to manipulation, neglect and outright dismissal, its strictures can surprise. The evolving body of law stripping back the immunity of heads of state for gross human rights abuses, the potential complicity of third parties and powers in aiding such […]
The EU’s Need For Cheap Ukrainian Labor Imperils Ukraine’s Post-War Reconstruction
Forthcoming developments might lead to Germany and/or Poland, where over two million of them collectively reside, either encouraging their return or incentivizing them to stay. Zelensky has finally begun to think about his country’s post-war reconstruction plans as suggested by what he said late last week with regard to the […]