Month: October 2010

NATO Leaders Invite “Victors” to Kabul

Vladislav Vorobyev (Russia) US journalists have pounced on another information leak. This time it appears they were told in secret that American soldiers in Afghanistan are not eliminating Taliban leaders. Rather, they are protecting them and even transporting them to Kabul for talks. We can easily imagine the high-ranking militants […]

CIA in Paraguay, or How to Get Rid of a President

Nil Nikandrov (Russia) Paraguay’s current president Fernando Lugo used to be known as “the bishop of the poor”. He made a fairly quick career in the Roman Catholic church’s hierarchy, became a bishop, and later was overwhelmingly voted in as the country’s president. Inaugurated on August 15, 2008, he planned […]

Who Gave Wikileaks the Secrets?

Yuri Shcheglovin (Russia) The latest leak of classified Pentagon materials on the war in Iraq resembles the last volley of artillery fire before a general offensive. It occurred exactly one week before the US congressional elections. That, of course, was no accident and makes us once again question the “integrity […]

US Could no Longer Save World Economy

Mikhail Khazin (Russia) The Marshall Plan era had already passed. The US is no longer able to save the world economy. It can be proved by the contemporary system of the division of labor. Meanwhile, it explains why China’s abilities are limited and it is not capable of boosting the […]

The Taliban Are Beginning to Take Afghanistan

Alexander Dobrovolsky (Russia) Contradictory reports coming in from Afghanistan almost daily about peace talks between members of the Kabul government and representatives of the Taliban not only persuade us that talks are taking place but that they have gone beyond the initial stage of establishing contacts. And that the process […]

The Convoy Attacks in Pakistan

Evgeny Kirsanov (Russia) The recent events in Pakistan are an excellent illustration of the serious crisis in American foreign policy. Six NATO convoys have been set on fire in Pakistan over the last two days in areas located different distances from the border with Afghanistan. That in itself is unprecedented, […]

This Is How the Old World Ends

Maksim Kalashnikov (Russia) The second global crisis tsunami: the Group of Seven and Greece. When will the national debt bubble burst? The national debts of the rich Western countries are growing rapidly. The IMF has sounded the alarm: they will reach 110% of total GDP by 2014. The forecasts of […]