Month: May 2011

World On Course For Next Crisis?

In his recent article in The Telegraph, Gordon Brown, the ex British PM, has urged politicians at the next G20 summit, which takes place in Cannes in November, to take control of a globalised financial system which is still “perilously” unregulated. The West is following a practice—and a very dangerous […]

Obama Caught Between Israel and Palestine

A border dispute In a 45-minute Middle East speech on May 19, Barack Obama became the first U.S. president to say the future Palestinian state should be formed within the borders established before 1967. He specifically said that the border between Israel and the future State of Palestine should “be […]

Could Obama “Betray” Israel?

The most striking statement in US President Barack Obama’s speech on “the Arab Spring” was his appeal to Israel to return to the borders of 1967, in other words to abandon control over the occupied Palestinian territories. “The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines […]

Warming Ties With Russia

President Asif Ali Zardari made history. His three-day official visit to the Russian Federation on 12-14 May, first after 1974 from Pakistan side, is an important step toward re-directing the contours of Pakistan’s foreign policy that is now more enmeshed with resource diplomacy such as energy needs. Pakistan is just […]

Obama’s Middle East Speech: Same Old Policy in New Gift Paper

President Obama’s much-heralded speech outlining his administration’s approach to the so-called “Arab Spring” and the Israeli-Palestinian impasse was generally greeted by yawns from the Arab world and outright hostility from the extremist right-wing government of Israel. Obama’s promise to aid reformist governments in Egypt and Tunisia with billions of dollars […]

Russia and Europe: Destination Unknown

A conference titled “The Politico-Military Dimension of European Security: Proposals and Perspectives” co-hosted by Russia’s and Greece’s foreign ministries was held in Athens on May 17, 2011. It focused on the interactions between Russia and Greece in the security sphere, trust-building measures, and arms control. The themes obviously being of […]

“Western poker” in Syria

The current events confirm the forecasts made by experts, who became a skilled hand in analyzing the Western politics regarding the “undeveloped” countries. A week ago we wrote that we may soon expect sanctions against Syria. On May 18, the sanctions were imposed. President Barack Obama has announced that the […]