Month: May 2014

Who was Maidan snipers’ mastermind?

The probe into the Maidan “snipers problem” – by the new Ukrainian government underwritten by it – continues. On May 13, the fascinating interim findings were partly revealed, at a press conference called by parliamentary investigation head Gennady Moskal. Bullet forensics exonerated the previously blamed Berkut security force. Something in […]

America Brings Hell To Ukraine

Because of American intervention, Ukraine is embroiled in what can only be described as a civil war. For the past two weeks, the Ukrainians coupists supported by the United States and NATO have openly massacred their fellow citizens with the tacit approval of the White House and without exposure from […]

Putin displays Ukraine chess mastery

Russia’s celebrations of the 69th anniversary of the defeat of fascism in World War II come just days after Ukrainian neo-fascists enacted an appalling Odessa massacre. For those who know their history, the graphic symbolism speaks for itself. And then a geopolitical chess gambit added outright puzzlement to the trademark […]

Listen to the Russian silence

Russia has been inundated with appeals from around the globe. The entire world is urging the Russians and their president to do something about those “pro-Russian separatists” in the Ukrainian Southeast. The international community, intellectuals, and Ukrainian media breathlessly beg us to remember our love of peace and remind us […]