Month: December 2015

أفضل أفلام الجنس في كل العصور

يتميز الفيلم الرائج الحديث بخطى سريعة وأبطال حركة يتنقلون باستمرار. تعد Boinks ، والصراخ وغيرها من أشكال الجنس غير المقلد ذكرى بعيدة في هذا النوع من الأفلام. ومع ذلك ، ربما يكون رواد السينما الأذكياء قد تجسسوا على تغيير في عام 2011 عندما أصدر زاك سنايدر فيلمه الجنسي “Sucker Punch” […]

What ISIS really has in mind

Recent attacks by ISIS sympathizers in Paris, London and San Bernardino, California, are not random acts of mindless violence and gory atrocities. Far from it, they are part of a well-developed strategy by the Islamic State, or ISIS, to draw the western powers into a far larger war in the […]

EU, Russia: doomed to partnership

Relations between the European Union and Russia are at a critical stage now. Though this is a permanent state for the past ten years. Ties between the EU and Russia have particularly deteriorated in the past several years. The economic sanctions against Moscow imposed in the summer of 2014, after […]

Grim Prospects of Nukes in Poland

Last weekend, Polish Deputy Defense Minister Tomasz Szatkowski said that Poland is considering asking for access to nuclear weapons through a NATO program allowing non-nuclear states “to borrow” the warheads from the US. This is a reverberation from the intensified debates within allaince regarding the nuclear support of NATO’s operations. […]

It’s not all Putin’s Fault

  Below is the transcript (cortesy Sharon Tennison, Chair of the Center for Citizen Initiatives) of the speech by Prof. Stephen Cohen at the San Francisco Commonwealth Club on November 18, 2015: *** I am delighted to be here in San Francisco with you. The further you go from Washington and […]

Orban The Fox

(This posting is a select chapter from Andrew Korybko’s second book that will focus on the geopolitical application of Hybrid Wars.)  Victor Orban may not be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, but he’s definitely a fox. He sly presents himself as a populist voice that outspokenly represents emerging social norms, placing […]

NATO’s “Drang Nach Suden”

(This posting is a select chapter from Andrew Korybko’s second book that will focus on the geopolitical application of Hybrid Wars.)  Southern Expansionism During the final years of the Cold War, the Soviet Union and the US reached a verbal agreement whereby Moscow would allow for the reunification of Germany in […]