Month: October 2018

Deepfakes And Political Manipulation

Future campaigns will pick not just the issues and slogans a candidate should support, but also the candidate who should champion those issues. Temporal trends for different voter blocks might be compared to genetic and medical data to understand regional shifts in political leanings, thereby illuminating methods for slicing and dicing audiences in favor of or against a specified agenda.

Trump and migrants

“Lady Liberty” Versus Lord Trump

America is the great nation today because it has been built on foundations of toil, hardships and acumen of its forefathers. They were migrants from across the world. It would be a sad travesty of justice if the United States turned away the hapless asylum-seekers from across its own border and denied them the opportunity for a safer, better life.

Finn-ish off

Trying To Finn-ish Us Off?

In recent years in addition to the sanctions that Finland is a part of, an unhealthy level of military activity is also occurring in that country. Finnish opposition leaders believe this activity is intended to push Finland — which is still officially neutral — into potential aggression against Russia.


Love, Peace, And Joy (III)

Some forms of Christian spirituality are built upon the false definition of joy as an emotion. For emotion can be induced, especially with music. Singing loudly and long can induce a kind of euphoria and a feeling of well-being, which is then equated with joy. In fact joy is not an emotion, and so can indeed be sustained.

Brasil elections

Brazil’s Election Meddling Scandal Won’t Dent Bolsonaro’s Popularity

Trump’s Liberal-Globalist enemies are now targeting the so-called “Tropical Trump” as a proxy war against the leader who Bolsonaro’s praised on numerous occasions. Whatever ends up happening during this Sunday’s second round of voting, it’s undeniable that social media played a disproportionate role in shaping the voters’ perceptions, whether legally or not.

The Croatian Role In The Destruction Of Yugoslavia In The 1990s (III)

Franjo Tudjman’s authoritarian regime in Croatia and the territorial expansionist policy of his HDZ’s ruling party during the bloody destruction of the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s were not noticed at all by the Western politicians, academicians and the global mass-media who, in contrast, accused “dictator”-President of Serbia Slobodan Miloshevic.