Russia Financial Advisory Assistance To Venezuela Is “Regime Reinforcement”

Russia dispatched financial advisors to Venezuela upon Caracas’ request.

The Russian team landed in the country’s capital a day after a Chinese delegation, making some wonder whether the two Great Powers are coordinating their efforts to save their shared Latin American partner’s economy. Both countries have an interest in ensuring the success of President Maduro’s latest reforms in order to safeguard the stability of his democratically elected and legitimate government, which is responsible for repaying the loans that they issued it over the past couple of years and also fulfilling the energy cooperation contracts that were signed between them too. An American-backed regime change could therefore lead to the newly installed “authorities” backtracking on these commitments and looking for “legal loopholes” to avoid honoring them, which is why Russia and China’s financial advisory assistance to Venezuela should be understood through the perspective of “regime reinforcement”.

Neither of them have the political will or military capabilities to physically defend Venezuela from the Hybrid War onslaught that’s been directed against it over the past few years, which is why they’re providing asymmetrical support instead through their advisory missions that aim to address some of the root causes of legitimate anti-government opposition that’s been exploited by foreign actors for Color Revolution purposes. Venezuela’s economy was undermined through a combination of US structural meddling and the government’s own missteps, the latter of which are the state’s responsibility to rectify. The ideal outcome is that Russia and China’s financial advice to Venezuela will contribute to stabilizing its economy and therefore creating the conditions for its many emigrants to return home from the regional countries that they fled to at the height of the Hybrid War crisis.

MaduroForeseeing Bolsonaro’s victory in Brazil, both Great Powers urgently planned to prioritize their advisory assistance to Venezuela out of the fear that their notional BRICS partner might invade the country together with Colombia on the pretext of carrying out a so-called “humanitarian intervention” in response to the highly publicized migrant crisis. The president-elect denied that he was planning any such operation, but the possibility nevertheless exists that he and his generals might change their mind after his inauguration at the beginning of next year, meaning that there’s a narrow two-month window of opportunity for Russia and China to try to preempt this scenario through the indirect advisory means at their disposal. They still might not be able to thwart it, but at the very least, they can help Venezuela be economically stronger when confronting it.

The post presented is the partial transcript of the CONTEXT COUNTDOWN radio program on Sputnik News, aired on Friday Nov 02, 2018:

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