Month: December 2018

Roman Theatre Of Palmyra, Syria

2019 Forecast: Mideast

Faced with so much uncertainty, the Mideast might initially come off as the most unstable region in the world today, but the fact of the matter is that Russia’s “balancing” strategy has brought a semblance of stability where there’d otherwise be none.


2019 Forecast: Europe

The prevailing trends that will shape European events over the next year are the struggle between the EuroRealists and EuroLiberals in deciding the future of the EU, the rise of the “Three Seas Initiative” as a US-backed “cordon sanitaire” between Russia and Germany, and American meddling in the conflict-prone Balkans.


The UN Does Kosovo And The Azov Sea

As the UN Security Council discussed Kosovo, the UN General Assembly voted in favor of a non-binding pro-Kiev regime resolution on the Azov Sea. Notwithstanding, most of the UN member states didn’t vote for that resolution, with numerous abstentions and some no shows.


Time To Get Out Of Syria

Trump’s abrupt pullout from Syria has shocked and mortified Washington’s war party and neocon fifth column. It was amusing to watch the anguish of such noted warlike chickenhawks as Sen. Lindsay Graham and the fanatical national security advisor John Bolton as their hopes for a US war against Syria diminished.


Trump And Global Chaos

A misdemeanor is considered a crime of low seriousness, and a felony one of high seriousness and treason the highest seriousness. All three are considered crimes and their punishments are different. In the case of a high misdemeanor, a president can be simply removed from his position with the seat vacating to the VP.