Month: December 2018

Paris on fire

Paris Is Burning

France is under siege. Some 90,000 security forces are being deployed across France with particular attention to always combustible Paris and Marseilles. Armored vehicles are moving into the capital. Certain military units are on high alert. The storm that is hitting France came out of what looked like a clear […]


Spinning Against Russia & Reality

During his campaign for the US presidency, Trump stated the desire to reshape US foreign policy to include competent individuals, typically shunned by the establishment. That desire has been contradicted by his cabinet selections and what they’ve said.

Macron in car

Who Does Emmanuel Macron Owe?

President Macron is often presented as a Rothschild Boy. This is true, but secondary. He owes his electoral campaign mostly to Henry Kravis, the boss of one of the world’s largest financial companies, and to NATO – a considerable debt which weighs heavily today on the solution to the Yellow Vests crisis.