Month: January 2019

Wall And A Frontier

A Wall And A Frontier

Borders and walls are a symbol of domination and exploitation, but the same could be said of the “frontier” in all its forms. US companies or multinational corporations with American interests provide their services worldwide while selectively blocking some countries, imposing sanctions on others, denying access, and carrying out other preventive measures.

US Erodes Russia-Turkey Axis In Syria

Through the past month since US President Donald Trump tweeted his fateful decision to withdraw troops from Syria, a familiar pattern began appearing – no sooner than Trump makes a foreign-policy decision, those around him scramble to try to delay that decision. However, in the Syrian case, signs are that […]

Presidential candidates

Eyeing The White House: The Democratic Field

Not so much hunting season as declaratory season in US politics. The US presidential candidates from the Democratic side are making promises spiced with forced excitement in anticipation of the 2020 elections.  This early morning of the public holiday of Martin Luther King, Jr., US voters were given a spray […]

Marie Colvin

Marie Colvin, Homs And Media Falsehoods About Syria

The deaths of Marie Colvin and Remi Olchik sparked many tributes and widespread publicity. Largely unknown in the West, hundreds of Syrian journalists have also died in the conflict. In a sense, they are all victims of the proxy war on Syria. In another sense, the equivalence is not fair. The war has been encouraged by some and imposed on others.