Month: March 2019


Authority, Distant And Local

Like many pastors in the Orthodox Church, I have been asked recently for my opinion about the events currently happening in Ukraine. I am quite willing to give my opinion when asked, since that is my job as a teacher and a presbyter. But I will not do so here, […]


The West Broke Syria And Should Own It

As Syria’s war enters its ninth year on March 15, many questions arise as to how it began and what it morphed into, but the most pressing one will be the ‘balance sheet’. Quintessentially speaking, this is a geopolitical cataclysm, and the moving finger, which is still writing, is yet […]


Don’t Dismiss Pompeo’s Disparaging Remarks About Russia & Cuba In Venezuela

The US accused Cuba and Russia of “undermining democracy” in Venezuela. Pompeo said very derogatory things about the South American country’s two allies, including accusing Cuba of being “the true imperialist power” and “communist overlords” while alleging that Russia’s resource and mineral trade with Venezuela amounts to Moscow’s partner being […]

Trudeau implosion

Lies In The Branding: Justin Trudeau’s Implosion

The situation with Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will either ensure his survival for some time, or his destruction. For many, his looks, his manner and his sense of presence have been prime excuses for avoiding sternly critiqued policy, pushing him up charts of aesthetics and chat shows. Like the Camelot of the Kennedys, the substantive nature of achievements have given way to a nimbus of awe and praise.

Taliban’s office in Doha

Pakistan Becomes Pivotal To Afghan Peace

The marathon talks between the US officials and the Taliban representatives at Doha through a 16-day period ending yesterday can be seen as a defining moment in the endgame in Afghanistan. Both the US special representative Zalmay Khalilzad and the Taliban have signalled that progress has been achieved in the […]