Month: March 2019

TurkStream in Bulgaria

Bulgaria Is A New Battleground In The New Cold War

It can therefore be said that a struggle for influence is taking place in Bulgaria nowadays. The EU could leverage its economic and institutional weight in the country to promote TurkStream’s extension to “mainland Europe” from Turkey while the US could lean on its military influence through NATO and the national authorities under its sway to try to stop this from happening.


Bomb Algeria Into Democracy?

The Algerian government has offered a compromise: Bouteflika runs for the presidency now for the last time as a symbol of stability with his cadence limited for one year only. Later another elections are held without pressure from barricades and Molotov’s. Though it seems that the funds have already been disbursed between the captains of the future uprising, so the show must go on.


“Make Room For Me Up On That Cloud”

Our secular society seems to believe that if an afterlife exists, it is a uniformly pleasant one, and that with the possible exception of mass murderers, Nazis, child-molesters and a few others who commit monstrous deeds, everyone goes to heaven after they die. The technical and theological term for this […]

Albanian Highlanders And Kosovo (I)

South-East Serbia’s province of Kosovo-Metochia (KosMet) is an autochthonous Slavic, in particular Serb, land. Now, the focal question became how this province became “disputed land”, and, in particular, what it has to do with ethnic-Albanians? In the following text, this issue is going to be considered in more details, from […]

Trump-Kim summit in Hanoi

A Long Way To Go For Dinner

President Donald Trump’s air trip to Vietnam cost taxpayers $5,695,000 just for the president’s flying Taj Mahal. Plus millions more for his retainers, the presidential limo, hotel rooms, meals, security details and only Ho Chi Minh knows what else. For what? A nice photo op and a cheery dinner for […]


Militarised Conservation: Paramilitary Rangers And The WWF

The WWF case suggests a direct connection between the mission of a charitable organisation and its captivation by a dangerous militancy. It has become a sponsor, and concealer, of vigilante action, obviously unabashed in cracking a few skulls in the name of shielding protected species. Along came the networks of informants, surveillance and exploiting local issues.

Colin Powell

From Iraqi Weapons Of Mass Destruction To Syrian Chemical Weapons

In a report dated 1 March 2019, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons attests to the fact that were never any prohibited chemical substances in Douma (Syria) during the attack of 7 April 2018. The reprisal tripartite bombing (United States, France, United Kingdom) was therefore unjustified. This scandal is exactly identical to the story of the bogus Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.