Month: April 2019


Daesh’s New Territories

Although there is no longer any reason for the jihadists to split themselves between Al-Qaeda and Daesh, the two organisations continue their war in the Greater Middle East. Paradoxically, it is now Al-Qaïda which runs a pseudo-State, the governorate of Idlib, and Daesh which organises attacks far from the battle-fields, in the Congo and Sri Lanka.

South-East Europe In The International Relations At The Turn Of The 20th Century (I)

The principal aim of the German financial-economic Balkan policy was to transform the Ottoman Empire into “its own India” and for that reason Berlin became the chief protagonist of the Balkan status quo policy, helping to “the Bosporus’ sick man” to redeem. Subsequently, Berlin and Vienna aimed to prevent the creation of anti-Ottoman Balkan Alliance under the Russian umbrella.

Gauging Ukraine With Russia And Belarus

Gauging Ukraine With Russia And Belarus

In the post-Soviet period, US foreign policy and media establishments have overhyped Ukrainian positives, while disproportionately highlighting the negatives in Russia and Belarus. Let’s see if Zelensky will break from that trend. For now, it’s quite premature to see him and his country as a positive model for Russia and Belarus.

U.S. to end imports of Iranian oil

Trump’s Crusaders March To War

Trump’s irrational quest to crush Iran could very well turn the rest of the world against Washington. But Trump & Co. don’t seem to care. Someone must tell Trump’s out of control administration to stop trying to overthrow governments it does not like around the globe and promoting itself as the Second Coming of Christ.

Governing Ukraine

Governing Ukraine Is No Laughing Matter

Simply put, Zelensky needs to be ‘pro-Ukraine’ than ‘pro-West’ — that is to say, he should realise that if Ukraine has any chance of prospering, it must somehow normalise relations with Moscow, which remains its largest trading partner.But will he be allowed by the West to open a dialogue with Moscow?

Volodymyr Zelenskiy As Actor President

Volodymyr Zelenskiy As Actor President

The stage in Ukraine has been going to seed for some years, manuring away in decay and poverty, bleeding in the Donbass region and plundered by self-enriching elites.  It took Zelenskiy to come to the fore by stepping off the screen and, quite literally, onto a live stage. Whether he is capable of directing his own show, mastering his own brief, as it were, will be a wonder. 

US wars EU

The European Union Is Obliged To Participate In US Wars

Since the Treaty of Maastricht, all the members of the European Union have placed their defences under the suzerainty of NATO, which is directed exclusively by the United States. This is why, when the Pentagon delegates the economic headquarters of the countries it wishes to destroy to the US Department of the Treasury, all members of the European Union and NATO are obliged to apply US sanctions.

Signing the Dayton Agreement

A Short History of Yugoslavia (VI)

Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV Part V The brutal destruction of Yugoslavia (1991‒1995)    The brutal destruction of ex-Yugoslav Federal state-system was in a form of the civil wars or, in another word, a chain of violent conflicts from 1991 to 1995. From the spring of 1992, the SFRY already […]