Month: May 2019

Western Balkans summit

Balkan Countries’ Accession To The EU Postponed

According to a statement issued by the German government, the main outcome of the Western Balkans summit in Berlin was an agreement between Serbia and Kosovo to cooperate in their search for compromises and a solution to the numerous problems in their bilateral relations. Belgrade and Pristina have promised to play a “constructive role” in the talks.

Umayyad Mosque

Syrian Society And Secularism

Before the war, Syrian society was organised in a secular manner, in order to allow cohabitation between the many religious groups which compose it. All Syrians have suffered from the atrocities committed by the jihadists (for which the Europeans today blame the Syrian Arab Republic). Many of the victims turned […]

Government supporters in Caracas

US, Russia Engage On Venezuela

As the Moscow-based analyst Fred Weir wrote recently, “while it may look and sound like a Cold War standoff, for Russia it is really about the simpler issue of establishing rules for competing big powers in a post-Cold War world. In Venezuela, and between the US and Russia generally, there is no sharp ideological divide over world-shaping doctrines like communism versus capitalism.”

Bomb Iran

Bomb Iran Half Way Back To The Stone Age

Washington’s hope, as usual, is that growing misery and hardship in Iran will provoke a revolt to oust the Islamic government, allowing the US to install the exiled Iranian royalists it has waiting in Southern California. This was the pattern in Cuba, Nicaragua, Iraq, Syria, Libya and now Venezuela. It’s not diplomacy, just brute force.

Much As I Hate To Say It

Much As I Hate To Say It

Even before he became President, and since then, Mr Donald Trump  has unwittingly or wantonly committed acts tantamount to genocide. The list is endless:-unwarranted continued intervention in Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Venezuela and now Iran. He is counting on his unholy alliances with the Saudi monarchy and Israel, and now wooing […]


A Reason For The Hope That Is In Us

“Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet believe.” These words of Christ, spoken to Thomas and recorded in John 20:29, have often been misunderstood. Some suggest that Christ was offering a blessing to those who believe in Him without any evidence at all, who accept Him on blind […]