Germany Was Defeated On The Eastern Front, Not Normandy

On my many walking visits to the vast Normandy battlefield in France, I kept recalling the ever so wise dictum of Prussia’s great monarch, Frederick the Great:  ‘he who defends everything, defends nothing.’  On this 74th anniversary of the D-Day landings, it’s well worth recalling the old warrior-king

Adolf Hitler, a veteran of the infantry, should certainly have known better. Defending the European coast from Brittany to Norway was an impossibility given Germany’s military and economic weakness in 1944.  But he did not understand this.  Having so brilliantly overcome France’s Maginot Line fortifications in 1940, Hitler and his High Command repeated the same strategic and tactical errors as the French only four years later: not having enough reserves to effectively counter-attack enemy breakthrough forces.

Germany’s vaunted Atlantic Wall looked formidable on paper, but it was too long, too thin, lacked defensive depth and was lacking in adequate reserve forces.  The linear Maginot Line suffered the same failings.  America’s fortifications protecting Manila and Britain’s ‘impregnable’ fortifications at Singapore also proved worthless. The Japanese merely marched into their undefended rears.

In 1940, the German Wehrmacht was modern history’s supreme fighting machine.  But only four years later, the Wehrmacht was broken.  Most Americans, British and Canadians believe that D-Day was the decisive stroke that ended WWII in Europe. But this is not true.


Approaching Omaha
Troops in an LCVP landing craft approaching “Omaha” Beach on “D-Day”, 6 June 1944

Germany’s mighty Wehrmacht, which included the Luftwaffe, was destroyed by Stalin’s Soviet Union.  The Red Army claims to have destroyed 507 German divisions, 48,000 German tanks, 77,000 German aircraft, and 100 divisions of Axis troops allied to Germany from Italy, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia,  and Finland.

Few Americans have ever heard of the Soviet Far East offensive of 1945, a huge operation that extended from Central Asia to Manchuria and the Pacific.  At least 450,000 Japanese soldiers were killed, wounded or captured by the Red Army, 32% of Japan’s total wartime military losses.  The Soviets were poised to invade Japan when the US struck it with two nuclear weapons.

Of Germany’s 10 million casualties in WWII, 75% were inflicted by the Red Army.  The once mighty Luftwaffe was decimated over Russia.  Almost all German military production went to supplying the 1,600 km Eastern Front where Germany’s elite forces were ground up in titanic battles like Kursk and Stalingrad that involved millions of soldiers.

Soviet forces lost upwards of 20 million men. Total US losses, including the Pacific, were one million.  To Marshal Stalin, D-Day, the North African and Italian campaign were merely diversionary side-shows to tie down Axis forces while the Red Army pushed on to Berlin.

D-Day was without doubt one of the greatest logistical feats of modern military history. Think of General Motors versus the German warrior Siegfried.  For every US tank the Germans destroyed, ten more arrived.  Each German tank was almost irreplaceable.  Transporting over one million men and their heavy equipment across the Channel was a triumph.  But who remembers that Germany crossed the heavily defended Rhine River into France in 1940?

By June, 1944, German forces at Normandy and along the entire Channel coast had almost no diesel fuel or gasoline.  Their tanks and trucks were immobilized.  Allied air power shot up everything that moved, including a staff car carrying Marshal Erwin Rommel strafed by Canada’s own gallant future aviator general, Richard Rohmer.  German units in Normandy were below 40% combat effectiveness even without their shortages in fuel.

Victory by Pyotr Krivonogov
Victory by Pyotr Krivonogov

The Germans in France were also very short of ammunition, supplies and communications.  Units could only move by night, and then very slowly.  Hitler was reluctant to release armored forces from his reserves. Massive Allied bombing of Normandy alone killed 15,000 to 20,000 French civilians and shattered many cities and towns.

Churchill once said, ‘you will never know war until you fight Germans.’  With no air cover or fuel and heavily outnumbered, German forces in Normandy managed to mount a stout resistance, inflicting 209,000 casualties on US, Canadian, British, Free French and allied forces.  German losses were around 200,000.

The most important point of the great invasion is that without it, the Red Army would have reached Paris and the Channel Ports by the end of 1944, making Stalin the master of all Europe except Spain.  Of course, the Allies could have reached a peace agreement with Germany in 1944, which Hitler was seeking and Gen. George Patton was rumored to be advocating.  But the German-hating Churchill and left-leaning Roosevelt were too bloody-minded to consider a peace that would have kept Stalin out of at least some of Eastern Europe

Source: the author’s blog

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  1. Walter DuBlanica

    95% of the German/axis troops killed got killed on the eastern front. Russia won the war almost singlehandedly. Read my article ” WW II in Europe Quantified”

  2. The US provided subsidies to Britain and the Soviets, and the British subsidized the Soviets also; recently de-classified materials reveal:

    I applaud your implied view that the US and UK should have made a separate peace with Germany, and re-supplied German forces, re-directing them eastward.

  3. This comment I put is for Kevin.

    Stalin has saved 120 million Europeans during World War II, defeated Nazi-fascist imperialism in Germany and the Empire of Japan without help from the United Kingdom and the United States, ended the holocaust and is portrayed as a “demon”, a “criminal”, a “tyrant”, a “dictator”, so are the soviethologists, pseudo-politologists, pseudo-journalists, pseudo-historians, pseudo-writers who serve the interests of American imperialism always satanize those who help the working class but endorsed criminals who serve the capitalist bourgeois elites.

    The “Big Lie” of the Loan and Lease Law – World War II (In Spanish)

    The USSR won the German Nazi-fascist imperialism and all the countries that had been taken by the Nazis in Eastern Europe and defeated the Empire of Japan that resisted surrendering when fighting against the Americans, it was not the atomic bombs that Japan and Germany were rebuilt by the US foreign state investment, under the Marshall Plan in return these countries will become satellites of US imperialism. The Soviet Union who defeated these two countries recovered in just 4 years and also helped rebuild all of East Germany and all the countries of Eastern Europe that they liberated in their wake. So a thousand times meritorious it has the Soviets.
    Thanks to Stalin and Beria it is that 4 years after the first launch of two nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Soviets have the atomic bomb that was tested on August 29, 1949 70 years ago, while the gringos thought they would get it in 15 to 20 years, when the gringos launched the first atomic bomb in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, that atomic bomb was German and they did it to intimidate Stalin.
    “He took a Russia with plows and left it equipped with the atomic bomb” – Winston Churchill on Stalin.
    “The atomic bomb aims to frighten the weak, but cannot decide the fate of a war.” – Iósif Stalin
    Throwing the two atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not to defeat the Empire of Japan, rather they did it to intimidate Yosif Stalin from not trying to expand communism in Asian countries, besides he was the political, military and architect genius Main defeat of Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan. By that time after World War II in 1945, Stalin became the most powerful man in the world and at the same time the greatest character in world history and the most popular person in the world for the working class and greatly hated by the bourgeoisie imperialist. Stalin in 1945 and in 1948 was nominated for Nobel Peace Prize.
    Therefore, we can reach a conclusion.
    The myth of the Hollywood propaganda that the US is repeated is repeated. I defeat Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan. That is outright false. It is the USSR that defeated Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan. USA he defeated the fascist army of Mussolini that was far inferior to Hitler’s.
    Japan did not give up because the US he threw 2 nuclear bombs at civilian targets without strategic importance. Japan surrendered because the USSR entered the war, attacked and defeated some 100,000 Japanese troops in Manchuria.
    At that time, the figure of the Emperor was in danger, and a peace in which the USSR was not, facilitated the permanence of the emperor, in addition to not wanting to negotiate with communists or in painting.
    Until before August 45, Japan planned to resist its only great rival, the US, no matter what it cost. But they were not expected that on August 8, the USSR, after finalizing the non-aggression pact, releases Manchuria. A military disaster for Japan.
    Nuclear bombs were used not to end thousands of innocent lives and force peace with Japan, if not to demonstrate US power. in front of Stalin and the USSR.
    And in the middle it was also totally destroyed by the US bombings, making the use of the nuclear bomb even more unnecessary (except to send a message to the USSR, like what really happened).
    There is also the case of Dresden, totally unnecessary with the German army almost defeated, to teach the USSR what to expect.
    There is another reason for the use of the bombs that is not mentioned: the scientist. The victims were used as guinea pigs up to 50, the fact of using 2 different bombs, the instruction to bomb a city without clouds even though the B-29 could do it.
    I say about the clouds because the second objective was not Nagasaki but Kokura. They have always made an excuse that they could not attack it because the clouds prevented pointing, but that is false since the B-29 had a radar to see the ground even at night.
    What they wanted was to see the explosion to record all possible data. As a scientific experiment it was they had to be able to see it.
    Without the financing of German and American capitalists, and without the support and financing of the Wall Street bank and the Bank of England of the City of London, Adolf Hitler would never have come to power. If it weren’t for the liberals, conservatives and because of the Social Democrats, Hitler would never have come to power.

    Lies and myths about World War II (In Spanish)

    Dismantling World War II myths (part I) (In Spanish)

    Dismantling Myths World War II part II (In Spanish)

    The Bomb Didn’t Beat Japan, Stalin Did

    The Soviet Union defeated Nazi Germany. Yes, and that is completely true, but it is hidden by the Hollywood propaganda that makes us believe that the US he defeated Mussolini’s fascist Italy, Hitler’s Nazi Germany and Hirohito’s Empire of Japan. They should know that the US he never defeated Nazi Germany and did not even tickle him, he only faced when they landed in Normandy on June 6, 1944 when the war was already winning the Red Army, less than 4 years to defeat Nazi Germany.
    The USSR defeated the Empire of Japan alone. Yes, that is true. The Red Army entered the war with Japan after they dropped the “Little Boy” atomic bomb in Hiroshima.
    The North Korean people led by Kim Il-sung were able to defeat US imperialism and South Koreans with the support of Mao’s China and Stalin’s USSR.
    The Vietnamese people led by Hồ Chí Minh with Võ Nguyên Giáp were able to defeat US imperialism and the South Koreans with the support of China and the USSR.
    The Syrian people with the Syrian army led by Bashar Al-Assad were able to defeat US imperialism and the mercenaries of ISIS and other terrorist factions with the support of China and Russia in only 3 years from 2015 to 2018.
    Then they talk about extreme right videos that only speculate, you can see that they have never been in a real war, they speak as if Venezuela were a socialist country when it is a capitalist country where 98.5% of companies are private, 0.5% mixed and 1% are state-owned, Venezuela is a capitalist country that stopped being governed by neoliberals in 1998 and happened to be governed by social-democrats-reformists who seek to go towards socialism or build socialism based on what they call 21st century socialism.
    You should know that the socialist countries were never defeated by an imperialist country as is the case of the US, and Venezuela is not alone and has international support, and that omits all the videos of this analysis. Many extreme right media only serve as misinformation and manipulation to give an alleged belief that the US It still has the same potential as it had in the Cold War, ladies and gentlemen, that ended when China took the first place as the leading economic power in the world, 40 years ago it was a semi-feudal, semicolonial, and industrially backward country, and now it is an economic power, all because it continued with the Marxist doctrine that had as objective to generate the development of the productive forces through science, technology and industrialization with the support of foreign capital and the extraction of technology to all the companies that come to invest in China, and this is what gave enormous impetus and enormous potential to the state industries of the Chinese state run by the working class, that’s why there are no private companies that are more powerful or that are above the state-owned enterprises, economic growth and economic development has achieved its success in these last 40 years through the plans that inquenales that have paid off and even more for the commercial opening in 2000 that diversified the Chinese economy in the world. And that’s because China did not suffer any economic blockade, financial blockade, trade blockade of US imperialism and its satellite countries that make up the European Union and the OAS. It can be said that China was unharmed both with Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping who continued with the development of China based on the experiences of Mao Zedong’s thinking and using dialectical materialism to understand the objective reality that the country was living at the time, Deng Xiaoping he managed to get out of the backwardness and convert the Chinese economy (which was semi-colonial and semi-feudal for 1000 years) in only 40 years into the strongest and most powerful in the world. Vietnam did the same in 1984 when I applied such reforms with the sole purpose of promoting the market economy oriented towards socialism, in the case of China, promoting the socialist market economy, and as we see there we have the results. This was also applied by the USSR during 1921 to 1928 known as the NEP of Lenin and Bukharin, which was replaced by Stalin’s five-year plans that he raised in 13 years from 1928 to 1941 to be the second most powerful economy in the world. China and Vietnam continue to use the five-year plans, the largest state investment in all state-controlled and state-run industries, which is simultaneously run by workers where more than 400 million Chinese are middle class and are expected to 2030 are 800 million Chinese who become middle class and in 2050 more than 1400 million will go to middle class. The national wealth increases because they have a productive and not speculative economy as there is in the United States and in the countries of Europe that have failed neoliberal governments. Unlike the USSR, which abandoned Marxism-Leninism in 1956 to introduce state capitalism, and little by little began to liberalize the economy in the Khrushchev era that purged many Marxist-Leninists who continued Stalin’s legacy and also all communist parties of the world purged all Marxist-Leninists, and that came after the Secret Speech in 1956, and in the Brezhnev era led to the stagnation of the Soviet economy by introducing in 1965 the Liberman-Kosygin reforms that led to the USSR in 1970 to the stagnation of the Soviet economy from 1970 to 1985 and this culminated with Gorbachev with Perestroika (meaning “restructuring” designed in the 60’s by the US), and it was the opening to re-establish capitalism in the USSR that already existed as state capitalism) and Glásnost (which means “transparency”, but it was pure Trotskyism = anti-communism, in fact it was pure anti-Communist propaganda) and Yeltsin introduced or definitively in the 90’s with the neoliberalism that left Russia and the former republics of the USSR in complete poverty, misery and hunger as the countries of Latin America and Europe suffer. In addition, US imperialism could not withstand another war and less in Latin America because it would trigger a Vietnam War and put an end to all neoliberal regimes in Latin America with very weak economies.
    They say that the S-300 are easy to defeat then because the Israeli air force does not defeat the army of Bashar Al-Assad once and for all, because it does not defeat Hezbollah, because it could not defeat Hamas in due course. The imperialists are only paper tigers.
    For example, the Houthi rebels have kicked the ass to the Saudi coalition, demonstrating once again that the imperialists are paper tigers, and say that the armed struggle is useless. What they do not serve are their brains manipulated by western propaganda.

    The US economy collapse in 1929, and its liberal model also, World War II made the US economy it will shoot enormously and will become world number one, above the Soviet Union. That is why Putin does not want to provoke a third world war with the United States. He prefers that the US economy. It collapses and that is what is happening with the fall of the petro-dollar due to the entrance of the petro-yuan, just as the European Union and other countries abandon the use of the dollar. And it is also proving how strong the US imperialists really are. and it turns out that the USA They were not as strong as people thought.

    Was not the Russian Czar a paper tiger? What happened after the October revolution that ended with the victory of Lenin and the Bolsheviks? Was not Tsarism and the provisional bourgeois government of Kerensky overthrown?
    Was not the white army and the 15 armies of the 15 imperialist paper tiger powers? What happened after the creation of the red army of workers and peasants to defend the communist revolution that ended up brutally crushing the entire Tsarist white army and all the armies of the 15 imperialist powers allied with Tsarism? Was not the liberal-conservative armies that participated in the First World War overthrown by the titanic effort by the red army of workers and peasants led by Lenin and the Bolsheviks?
    Was not Hitler a paper tiger imposed by the British and American banks to eliminate the homeland of the soviets? What happened after the victory of Stalin and the Red Army during World War II? Was not Nazi-fascism overthrown across Europe and in the world?
    Was not Chiang Kai-shek a paper tiger? What happened after the first and second Chinese civil war that ended with the victory of Mao and the People’s Liberation Army?
    Was not the Kuomintang nationalists who received support from the American imperialists overthrown?
    Was not America? a paper tiger, winner of Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and the Empire of Japan? What happened after the war that unjustly handed him with all his military might to North Korea and Vietnam for fear of the spread of “communism” throughout the continent of Asia? Was not their imperialist plans and humiliated at the world level overthrown by these two small countries led by Kim Il-sung and by Hồ Chí Minh that even their countries were not socialist powers at the time?
    “All the imperialists are paper tigers, they seem powerful, but in reality they are not so, it is the people who are really powerful.” – Mao Zedong

  4. This comment I put is for Kevin.

    Stalin has saved 120 million Europeans during World War II, defeated Nazi-fascist imperialism in Germany and the Empire of Japan without help from the United Kingdom and the United States, ended the holocaust and is portrayed as a “demon”, a “criminal”, a “tyrant”, a “dictator”, so are the soviethologists, pseudo-politologists, pseudo-journalists, pseudo-historians, pseudo-writers who serve the interests of American imperialism always satanize those who help the working class but endorsed criminals who serve the capitalist bourgeois elites.

    The “Big Lie” of the Loan and Lease Law – World War II (In Spanish)

    The USSR won the German Nazi-fascist imperialism and all the countries that had been taken by the Nazis in Eastern Europe and defeated the Empire of Japan that resisted surrendering when fighting against the Americans, it was not the atomic bombs that Japan and Germany were rebuilt by the US foreign state investment, under the Marshall Plan in return these countries will become satellites of US imperialism. The Soviet Union who defeated these two countries recovered in just 4 years and also helped rebuild all of East Germany and all the countries of Eastern Europe that they liberated in their wake. So a thousand times meritorious it has the Soviets.
    Thanks to Stalin and Beria it is that 4 years after the first launch of two nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Soviets have the atomic bomb that was tested on August 29, 1949 70 years ago, while the gringos thought they would get it in 15 to 20 years, when the gringos launched the first atomic bomb in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, that atomic bomb was German and they did it to intimidate Stalin.
    “He took a Russia with plows and left it equipped with the atomic bomb” – Winston Churchill on Stalin.
    “The atomic bomb aims to frighten the weak, but cannot decide the fate of a war.” – Iósif Stalin
    Throwing the two atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not to defeat the Empire of Japan, rather they did it to intimidate Yosif Stalin from not trying to expand communism in Asian countries, besides he was the political, military and architect genius Main defeat of Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan. By that time after World War II in 1945, Stalin became the most powerful man in the world and at the same time the greatest character in world history and the most popular person in the world for the working class and greatly hated by the bourgeoisie imperialist. Stalin in 1945 and in 1948 was nominated for Nobel Peace Prize.
    Therefore, we can reach a conclusion.
    The myth of the Hollywood propaganda that the US is repeated is repeated. I defeat Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan. That is outright false. It is the USSR that defeated Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan. USA he defeated the fascist army of Mussolini that was far inferior to Hitler’s.
    Japan did not give up because the US he threw 2 nuclear bombs at civilian targets without strategic importance. Japan surrendered because the USSR entered the war, attacked and defeated some 100,000 Japanese troops in Manchuria.
    At that time, the figure of the Emperor was in danger, and a peace in which the USSR was not, facilitated the permanence of the emperor, in addition to not wanting to negotiate with communists or in painting.
    Until before August 45, Japan planned to resist its only great rival, the US, no matter what it cost. But they were not expected that on August 8, the USSR, after finalizing the non-aggression pact, releases Manchuria. A military disaster for Japan.
    Nuclear bombs were used not to end thousands of innocent lives and force peace with Japan, if not to demonstrate US power. in front of Stalin and the USSR.
    And in the middle it was also totally destroyed by the US bombings, making the use of the nuclear bomb even more unnecessary (except to send a message to the USSR, like what really happened).
    There is also the case of Dresden, totally unnecessary with the German army almost defeated, to teach the USSR what to expect.
    There is another reason for the use of the bombs that is not mentioned: the scientist. The victims were used as guinea pigs up to 50, the fact of using 2 different bombs, the instruction to bomb a city without clouds even though the B-29 could do it.
    I say about the clouds because the second objective was not Nagasaki but Kokura. They have always made an excuse that they could not attack it because the clouds prevented pointing, but that is false since the B-29 had a radar to see the ground even at night.
    What they wanted was to see the explosion to record all possible data. As a scientific experiment it was they had to be able to see it.
    Without the financing of German and American capitalists, and without the support and financing of the Wall Street bank and the Bank of England of the City of London, Adolf Hitler would never have come to power. If it weren’t for the liberals, conservatives and because of the Social Democrats, Hitler would never have come to power.

    Lies and myths about World War II (In Spanish)

    Dismantling World War II myths (part I) (In Spanish)

    Dismantling Myths World War II part II (In Spanish)

    The Bomb Didn’t Beat Japan, Stalin Did

  5. This comment I put is for Kevin.

    The Soviet Union defeated Nazi Germany. Yes, and that is completely true, but it is hidden by the Hollywood propaganda that makes us believe that the US he defeated Mussolini’s fascist Italy, Hitler’s Nazi Germany and Hirohito’s Empire of Japan. They should know that the US he never defeated Nazi Germany and did not even tickle him, he only faced when they landed in Normandy on June 6, 1944 when the war was already winning the Red Army, less than 4 years to defeat Nazi Germany.
    The USSR defeated the Empire of Japan alone. Yes, that is true. The Red Army entered the war with Japan after they dropped the “Little Boy” atomic bomb in Hiroshima.
    The North Korean people led by Kim Il-sung were able to defeat US imperialism and South Koreans with the support of Mao’s China and Stalin’s USSR.
    The Vietnamese people led by Hồ Chí Minh with Võ Nguyên Giáp were able to defeat US imperialism and the South Koreans with the support of China and the USSR.
    The Syrian people with the Syrian army led by Bashar Al-Assad were able to defeat US imperialism and the mercenaries of ISIS and other terrorist factions with the support of China and Russia in only 3 years from 2015 to 2018.
    Then they talk about extreme right videos that only speculate, you can see that they have never been in a real war, they speak as if Venezuela were a socialist country when it is a capitalist country where 98.5% of companies are private, 0.5% mixed and 1% are state-owned, Venezuela is a capitalist country that stopped being governed by neoliberals in 1998 and happened to be governed by social-democrats-reformists who seek to go towards socialism or build socialism based on what they call 21st century socialism.
    You should know that the socialist countries were never defeated by an imperialist country as is the case of the US, and Venezuela is not alone and has international support, and that omits all the videos of this analysis. Many extreme right media only serve as misinformation and manipulation to give an alleged belief that the US It still has the same potential as it had in the Cold War, ladies and gentlemen, that ended when China took the first place as the leading economic power in the world, 40 years ago it was a semi-feudal, semicolonial, and industrially backward country, and now it is an economic power, all because it continued with the Marxist doctrine that had as objective to generate the development of the productive forces through science, technology and industrialization with the support of foreign capital and the extraction of technology to all the companies that come to invest in China, and this is what gave enormous impetus and enormous potential to the state industries of the Chinese state run by the working class, that’s why there are no private companies that are more powerful or that are above the state-owned enterprises, economic growth and economic development has achieved its success in these last 40 years through the plans that inquenales that have paid off and even more for the commercial opening in 2000 that diversified the Chinese economy in the world. And that’s because China did not suffer any economic blockade, financial blockade, trade blockade of US imperialism and its satellite countries that make up the European Union and the OAS. It can be said that China was unharmed both with Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping who continued with the development of China based on the experiences of Mao Zedong’s thinking and using dialectical materialism to understand the objective reality that the country was living at the time, Deng Xiaoping he managed to get out of the backwardness and convert the Chinese economy (which was semi-colonial and semi-feudal for 1000 years) in only 40 years into the strongest and most powerful in the world. Vietnam did the same in 1984 when I applied such reforms with the sole purpose of promoting the market economy oriented towards socialism, in the case of China, promoting the socialist market economy, and as we see there we have the results. This was also applied by the USSR during 1921 to 1928 known as the NEP of Lenin and Bukharin, which was replaced by Stalin’s five-year plans that he raised in 13 years from 1928 to 1941 to be the second most powerful economy in the world. China and Vietnam continue to use the five-year plans, the largest state investment in all state-controlled and state-run industries, which is simultaneously run by workers where more than 400 million Chinese are middle class and are expected to 2030 are 800 million Chinese who become middle class and in 2050 more than 1400 million will go to middle class. The national wealth increases because they have a productive and not speculative economy as there is in the United States and in the countries of Europe that have failed neoliberal governments. Unlike the USSR, which abandoned Marxism-Leninism in 1956 to introduce state capitalism, and little by little began to liberalize the economy in the Khrushchev era that purged many Marxist-Leninists who continued Stalin’s legacy and also all communist parties of the world purged all Marxist-Leninists, and that came after the Secret Speech in 1956, and in the Brezhnev era led to the stagnation of the Soviet economy by introducing in 1965 the Liberman-Kosygin reforms that led to the USSR in 1970 to the stagnation of the Soviet economy from 1970 to 1985 and this culminated with Gorbachev with Perestroika (meaning “restructuring” designed in the 60’s by the US), and it was the opening to re-establish capitalism in the USSR that already existed as state capitalism) and Glásnost (which means “transparency”, but it was pure Trotskyism = anti-communism, in fact it was pure anti-Communist propaganda) and Yeltsin introduced or definitively in the 90’s with the neoliberalism that left Russia and the former republics of the USSR in complete poverty, misery and hunger as the countries of Latin America and Europe suffer. In addition, US imperialism could not withstand another war and less in Latin America because it would trigger a Vietnam War and put an end to all neoliberal regimes in Latin America with very weak economies.
    They say that the S-300 are easy to defeat then because the Israeli air force does not defeat the army of Bashar Al-Assad once and for all, because it does not defeat Hezbollah, because it could not defeat Hamas in due course. The imperialists are only paper tigers.
    For example, the Houthi rebels have kicked the ass to the Saudi coalition, demonstrating once again that the imperialists are paper tigers, and say that the armed struggle is useless. What they do not serve are their brains manipulated by western propaganda.

    The US economy collapse in 1929, and its liberal model also, World War II made the US economy it will shoot enormously and will become world number one, above the Soviet Union. That is why Putin does not want to provoke a third world war with the United States. He prefers that the US economy. It collapses and that is what is happening with the fall of the petro-dollar due to the entrance of the petro-yuan, just as the European Union and other countries abandon the use of the dollar. And it is also proving how strong the US imperialists really are. and it turns out that the USA They were not as strong as people thought.

    Was not the Russian Czar a paper tiger? What happened after the October revolution that ended with the victory of Lenin and the Bolsheviks? Was not Tsarism and the provisional bourgeois government of Kerensky overthrown?
    Was not the white army and the 15 armies of the 15 imperialist paper tiger powers? What happened after the creation of the red army of workers and peasants to defend the communist revolution that ended up brutally crushing the entire Tsarist white army and all the armies of the 15 imperialist powers allied with Tsarism? Was not the liberal-conservative armies that participated in the First World War overthrown by the titanic effort by the red army of workers and peasants led by Lenin and the Bolsheviks?
    Was not Hitler a paper tiger imposed by the British and American banks to eliminate the homeland of the soviets? What happened after the victory of Stalin and the Red Army during World War II? Was not Nazi-fascism overthrown across Europe and in the world?
    Was not Chiang Kai-shek a paper tiger? What happened after the first and second Chinese civil war that ended with the victory of Mao and the People’s Liberation Army?
    Was not the Kuomintang nationalists who received support from the American imperialists overthrown?
    Was not America? a paper tiger, winner of Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and the Empire of Japan? What happened after the war that unjustly handed him with all his military might to North Korea and Vietnam for fear of the spread of “communism” throughout the continent of Asia? Was not their imperialist plans and humiliated at the world level overthrown by these two small countries led by Kim Il-sung and by Hồ Chí Minh that even their countries were not socialist powers at the time?
    “All the imperialists are paper tigers, they seem powerful, but in reality they are not so, it is the people who are really powerful.” – Mao Zedong

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