Month: May 2020


I Can See Clearly Now

God is in charge of the outcome of history. This simple statement is one way of expressing the Christian doctrine of divine Providence. Perhaps an even more profound way would be a statement that affirms “all things work together for good.” However, no matter how this is said, it is […]

open plan office

Coronavirus And The Open Plan Office

For anybody familiar with that gruesome manifestation of the modern work place, namely the open plan office, the advent of coronavirus might be something of a relief.  The prospects for infection in such spaces is simply too great.  You are at risk from droplet-filled babblers, dribblers and gibbering colleagues.  Good […]

Anti-China infowar

The Volleys Of An Information War Against China

A strategic information campaign against a particular state usually involves a number of elements and layers. While officials and diplomats gradually increase the aggressiveness of their rhetoric, “independent” media outlets publish a range of articles from life stories to special investigations. They may differ in tone and subject matter, but […]

US Space Force

US Space Flags And Super-Duper Missiles

US President Donald Trump is much taken with the bombastic and the exaggerated. In an interview with the Associated Press in April 2017, he spoke of his infamous if somewhat less than successful wall project on the US-Mexican border. Ever happy to stretch the record on costs, he took issue […]

Vivian Malone

Race, Racialism, And Politics

It is a very linguistic fact that the term “race” exists in all languages derived from the Latin one. For instance, the meaning of this term is identical in English and French like in some other languages or very similar regarding the meaning. However, the term “race”, basically, refers in […]

Gantz vs Netanyahu

The Decolonization Of Israel Has Begun

For three quarters of a century, an Anglo-Saxon colony, now a US arsenal, has been trying to conquer all the lands from the Nile to the Euphrates. And for some years now, citizens of this same colony have been aspiring to transform it into a normal state. This conflict of another age has reached a stage with the appointment of a bicephalous government.