Day: July 31, 2020

Chirac, Schroeder, Empfang Kanzleramt

The Real Face Of The European Union (III)

Part I, Part II The Franco-German axis An Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) is the formal procedure for negotiating amendments to the founding treaties of the EU. Under the treaties, an IGC is called into being the European Council and is composed of representatives of the Member States, with the European Commission, […]

Jean Castex

Jean Castex’s First Three Errors

No doubt, Jean Castex is a brilliant senior civil servant. But that does not make him the right man to become Prime Minister of France. He has not thought about how to restore the social pact in the face of financial globalisation and is satisfied with measures to buy social peace in the short term. As soon as he was appointed, he showed that he did not want to reform the political class, that he was content to fight the pandemic by doing as others did, and that he supported the Maastrichian project conceived during the Cold War.