Month: September 2020


Assange’s Fifteenth Day At The Old Bailey: Solitary Confinement And Parlous Health Care

September 28. Central Criminal Court, London. Throughout the sham process formally known as the Julian Assange extradition trial, prosecutors representing the United States have been adamant: the carceral conditions awaiting him in freedom’s land will be pleasant, accommodating and appropriate. Confronting 17 charges under the US Espionage Act and one […]

Iran-Russia talks on Sept 24 2020

Russia Has Key Role To Play In Iran Issue

In what must be one of his sharpest rhetorical outbursts against the Trump administration, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani accused the United States on Saturday of “savagery” for inflicting $150 billion of damage on Iran due to sanctions. In televised remarks, his voice shaking with anger, Rouhani said, “With their illegal […]

Transition Integrity Project

Is There A Coup Brewing In The US?

In August, a curious document emerged in the US entitled “Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition“. It was prepared by a group called the Transition Integrity Project, which includes more than one hundred current and former senior US officials alongside experts from various fields. The group announced that they […]

Counter-Chistian culture

Creating Christian Counter-Culture

Every week I meet with our catechumens, inquirers, and other faithful for a time of instruction, which includes a Q & A session.   Lately we were talking about how Christians were to live differently than the world around them, and one of the catechumens asked the excellent question, “How do […]


Assange’s Thirteenth Day At The Old Bailey: Mental Health, Managed Risk And Publication Chronologies

September 24.  Central Criminal Court, London.  The lion’s share of today’s Old Bailey proceedings in Julian Assange’s extradition trial was spent on battles over mental health and dire risk.  The prosecution continued its attempt to minimise the dangers facing Assange were he to be extradited to the United States for […]