Month: November 2021


The Zangezur Corridor Is The ECO’s Most Strategic Project

To oppose the Zangezur Corridor is to oppose China and Russia’s multipolar vision. It also suggests that one has fallen for self-interested forces’ fake news campaigns against this multilaterally beneficial project. The Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) has the chance to breathe new life into this unperforming but nevertheless immensely promising […]

Russo-Uzbek Ties A Factor Of Regional Stability

The visit of Uzbekistan President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Moscow on November 19 at the invitation of President Vladimir Putin resulted in a joint statement on information technology and a slew of documents on trade and economic cooperation but its strategic significance cannot be lost on the regional capitals. Putin’s talks […]


The West, A Mockery Of Freedom

The West attempted, by all means possible, to silence anyone who exposed its real policy after September 11, 2001 and dared to stand up against it. In 2002, I published 9/11: The Big Lie, a political-science study that called into question the official version of the New York, Washington and […]


Reflections On Events In Afghanistan (XXXV)

35. Taliban government is steadily consolidating The acknowledgement of “shared interests” with Russia regarding Afghanistan by the new US Special Representative for Afghanistan Thomas West following his discussions in Moscow on November 14 with the Kremlin’s Special Presidential Representative Zamir Kabulov and Security Council’s Deputy Secretary Alexander Venediktov is an […]