Day: October 12, 2022

Salman and Biden

OPEC’s Body Blow To Biden Presidency

The Biden Administration is swiftly establishing a narrative that the recent OPEC decision to cut oil production by two million tonnes is a geopolitical “aligning” by Saudi Arabia and Russia. It taps into the Russophobia in the Beltway and deflects attention from the humiliating defeat of President Biden’s personal diplomacy […]


U.N. Projects The Planet’s Unlivable Areas By 2070 & 2100

The U.N. and International Red Cross have just published their 64-page study, “Extreme Heat: Preparing for the Heatwaves of the Future”, and it contains maps showing which areas of this planet will probably be unlivably hot by 2070, and then by 2100.   (See more-detailed maps in and especially at […]