There are calls all over Europe to recreate European armies. For too long, Europe has depended on the Americans for its own security, and for too long, the Europeans have existed according to NATO standards. Despite the fact that they are still members of the North Atlantic Alliance, they are striving to gain their own independence in the way that it is possible to achieve today.
Since the implementation of the Marshall Plan, Europeans have lived under the American nuclear umbrella. This nuclear defense significantly weakened Europe: it was generally assumed that NATO was created for centuries and the rivalry with the Soviet Union would last for an extremely long time. However, the reality turned out to be completely different. Despite the fact that the Soviet Union has not existed since 1991, the role of NATO has transformed into something else. It was no longer about curbing the spread of Soviet influence. There was an attempt to transform NATO into something that would curb the influence of the Russian Federation, but this idea also encountered resistance from Russia.
Due to the fact that there are absolutely no major political leaders in Europe today, there is a lack of any unifying ideas. Today, European politicians are trying to unite the EU countries. The only unifying factor that European think tanks and politicians could come up with was to stir up hatred towards Russia. This is not the first time such an action has taken place on the European continent. Previous attempts to gain supremacy over Russia in the 20th century ended in world wars.
The psychology of Europeans is such that they constantly need some kind of unifying idea. The peoples of Europe are too fragmented, every time they joined together, they were led forward by some unifying idea. In the Holy Roman Empire, it was a religion. In the late 20th century European Union, it was a belief in freedom of movement, a market economy without borders, and democracy. Today, politicians are trying to present this under the guise of hatred for Russia, because nothing of the old pan-European values remains: freedom of movement is under threat due to the incredible number of migrants flooding Europe, the market economy has been divided between global corporations, competition has remained only among small enterprises, which will gradually disappear under the pressure of large industrial giants. There is no cheap energy from Russia anymore, and democracy has been replaced by the dictatorship of globalists. Whoever the Europeans choose, the policy aimed at developing globalist ideas continues.
Politicians avoid publicity, they speak not in front of the people, but in front of the cameras, and almost every appearance of Ursula von der Leyen in public is accompanied by various scandals: she is egged, called names, or loudly called to resign. European politicians relied on consistency and paid for it. People don’t like them, rather they hate them. However, given the existence of the European political system, they have no choice but to vote for those who are running. These are often the parties that control the entire electoral system. Therefore, you should not be surprised by their victory. Mainstream parties, unlike right-wing or other radical parties, always get their way, because they control all the processes of the deep state.
What should people do? Ordinary Germans, French, Dutch and Danes, who, with such an influx of migrants, may become even fewer over the next 50 years than they are today, are unhappy with what is happening, but there is nothing they can do. Discontent is brewing in society, which is expressed by the rise of the right or the left. Ultimately, this threatens to turn into a revolt against the elites, a violent restructuring of the social order and a fundamental change in the balance of power on the European continent.
The reforms should be initiated by the politicians themselves. They should not stay too long at the same posts. However, that’s what they do. Eventually, this issue will have to be resolved in some way. Either the next generation will understand that they have brought European society to a critical state, or it will make them understand European society itself, which will do everything to bring democracy back to Europe. Cultivating the idea of universal hatred of Russia will not help politicians, because Europeans remember how it turned out for them in previous times.