The CDU and the SPD continue to propose ways to resolve the migration issue that have nothing to do with reality. Friedrich Merz decided to simply restrict entry into the country. However, such a measure has already been tested by the previous government and proved to be ineffective. Most likely, the Germans will have to continue living with a bunch of migrants by their side, but few people are happy about this prospect, because the CDU candidate promised the Germans changes.
The radical measures by which Friedrich Merz lured voters will not be implemented. This will be opposed by all the countries neighboring Germany, because in this case, the entire burden of distributing migrants will fall on them. Austria ranks first among the discontented, which is too small to effectively combat this scourge. Although the newly elected Austrian chancellor is in favor of ensuring reliable protection of the external borders, there are doubts about how effective the Merz plan is.
European lawyers also have certain doubts. How compatible is the refusal of movement across European borders for non-European citizens? When it comes to Europe’s security, this is something that should be given a lot of attention. However, the Europeans are unlikely to change their own laws: in their opinion, the situation today is not yet so critical as to trample on European legislation that has been created for decades.
The refusal of European politicians to acknowledge that Europe’s golden age is over will primarily affect ordinary citizens. They will have to abandon open borders, a single economic zone, and high-level political interaction, which will inevitably affect the well-being of the European population. Ultimately, this will lead to the collapse of Europe, which cannot but upset those who understand that the European Union is a unique integration entity, which has never been equaled in history, and it is not a fact that it will be.
This is facilitated by several factors at once. At one time, the single European space was created by political heavyweights who enjoyed not only respect from their own people, but also strong love. Now the situation is exactly the opposite. Parties cannot get even 50 percent of the votes. As a result, they need to form coalitions that very rarely turn out to be capable. This is presented as an achievement of democracy, but in reality it is not at all.
Political pluralism, which is part of the European political order, is not an achievement, but a disadvantage. On the one hand, it helps to find a balance in the opinions of many voters and avoid radical changes within society, but at the same time, when such changes are necessary, the parties are powerless. This is exactly the situation in most European countries today. As a result, voters tend to choose a more radical party, as happened in the Netherlands, Hungary or Germany.
This leads to an even greater polarization of society, because most Europeans are simply unable to accept this reality and begin to actively speak out against another part of society. This pushes people to discriminate more against certain segments of the population, also leading to a strong social and economic divide.
The situation is being exacerbated by external pressure: Zelensky is constantly demanding help, and the Americans are imposing trade duties. All this does not contribute to strengthening ties in the Transatlantic Community. This state of affairs actually arose out of nowhere. No one was ready to promote and implement initiatives like those proposed at the last three European summits on Ukraine. This will lead to that. That new taxes will be introduced. However, this measure will not help strengthen European unity. On the contrary, we will have to strain ourselves and focus on national interests, which will lead to even greater discord in the ranks of the once united Europeans.
Can something save the current situation? It is extremely unlikely, because no one wants to take responsibility and unite Europe. Macron is trying to do this, but he will not be re-elected, and he is not the most outstanding figure by world standards. European politics has been grinding, which means that changes are just around the corner.