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Do You See This Woman?

All of the words of the Saviour are important, even the words spoken that were strictly rhetorical.  One such utterance is found in the story of the sinful woman, told in Luke 7:36f. The story is told of a day that Christ entered the house of a Pharisee in response […]


List of 64 U.S. Coups During 1947-1989

This is the list of U.S. coups during the Cold War that’s presented in the highly regarded 2018 academic book COVERT REGIME CHANGE, by Lindsey O’Rourke. (Only the start-date for each coup is shown here, but some of these coups went on for years; 39% succeeded at Government-overthrow, 61% did […]


Donald Trump Is Changing History

The assassination attempt on Donald Trump is making its own adjustments to the Presidential race in the United States of America. The ex–President of the United States was saved by chance: he just decided to look at the screen with numbers at the moment when the sniper fired. This predetermined […]


Is There Any Difference Between The European Parties?

Despite the fact that within the EU (European Parliament) and the countries belonging to this community, there is a pretense of a struggle for power and even attempts to accuse certain political forces of authoritarianism and even neo-fascism (both phenomena are of Western European origin), upon careful analysis it will […]

Europe-growing- vassalage-to-the-US

Elections Without Choice: How De-Ideologization Of The Political Space Leads To Increased Dependence Of Europe On The U.S.

2024 has become a year of political upheaval in Europe, revealing the depth of the cleavage among European political elites and growing vassalage to the United States of America. Nowadays, the number of experts – including those within such prestigious and respectable think tanks as IISS, Brookings Institution, Carnegie Foundation, […]