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The Lame Ducks Season

Irina Lebedeva (USA) November 15 will open the lame ducks season in the US: in the six weeks left till the new Congress is to take over, voting by the politicians temporarily exempt from accountability to their constituencies may produce otherwise unlikely results. The November 3 midterm elections predictably marked […]

The WikiLeaks Enigma

Elena Pustovoitova (Russia) What the phenomenon of WikiLeaks, a powerful outlet of classified information, reflects is not only the immense potential of the Internet but also the fact that the implementation of a sophisticated program of brainwashing must be underway. The very first outburst of former secrets – the Afghan […]

Blackmail the American Way

Jeyran Bayramova (Azerbaijan) Will the United States go against Turkey’s wishes and recognize the Armenian genocide? That remains to be seen. “United States Blackmails Turkey over Recognition of the Armenian Genocide.” That is the headline that was splashed on the pages of leading Turkish newspapers prior to the NATO summit […]

Russian Reset Policy to Be Reviewed?

ORIENTAL REVIEW on Political Trust and Human Deception So far the most tangible outcome of notorious ‘Reset’ of the US-Russian relations (or perezagruzka, another Russian word of the global outreach) announced by foreign ministers last year was the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START III). As a reminder it limits […]

NATO Leaders Invite “Victors” to Kabul

Vladislav Vorobyev (Russia) US journalists have pounced on another information leak. This time it appears they were told in secret that American soldiers in Afghanistan are not eliminating Taliban leaders. Rather, they are protecting them and even transporting them to Kabul for talks. We can easily imagine the high-ranking militants […]

CIA in Paraguay, or How to Get Rid of a President

Nil Nikandrov (Russia) Paraguay’s current president Fernando Lugo used to be known as “the bishop of the poor”. He made a fairly quick career in the Roman Catholic church’s hierarchy, became a bishop, and later was overwhelmingly voted in as the country’s president. Inaugurated on August 15, 2008, he planned […]

Who Gave Wikileaks the Secrets?

Yuri Shcheglovin (Russia) The latest leak of classified Pentagon materials on the war in Iraq resembles the last volley of artillery fire before a general offensive. It occurred exactly one week before the US congressional elections. That, of course, was no accident and makes us once again question the “integrity […]