Tag: Emmanuel Macron


France Facing The Change Of Era

As France prepares for early parliamentary elections, its political parties are ganging up on each other, accusing each other of pandering to different forms of extremism. The anxiety they are showing and the violence they are stirring up are not equal to the stakes. Everyone points to the past mistakes […]


How To Justify NATO’s Aggression Against Russia

Joseph Stalin had old official photographs corrected to remove any trace of his opposition. Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron and their allies, too, are rewriting history. They have just staged, under the name of the “Normandy landings”, events that happened otherwise. They hide the serious conflict that arose, from June to […]


WW III Now Has Suddenly Become Far Less Likely

On 29 March 2024, Russia’s Tass News Agency reported in English the historically important global news that what has always been the biggest ambiguity in the 1949 (U.S. President Truman’s) NATO Treaty that might lead to a WW III, has finally been interpreted, by the U.S. regime’s #1 colony (or […]

Brazil And France’s Nuclear Wedding

Paris aims to control the Amazon region under the guise of environment protection. And that is not all. On March 26, French President Emmanuel Macron visited Brazil. After the aggressive rhetoric concerning the possibility of sending French troops to Ukraine, and loss of influence in a number of African countries […]

Genuine Intentions of Macron

Several politicians believe that the French President is attempting to solidify his position before the 2024 elections. However, Mr. Macron has consistently advocated for resolving the Ukrainian issue. On the one hand, a number of countries desire stability in Europe, but they don’t see France as their leader. Regrettably, Olaf […]